Hubungan Tingkatan Berat Merokok (Indeks Brinkman) dan Kejadian Kanker Paru
Kata Kunci:
Lung cancer, Brinkman Index, Smoke, smoker, Benzo (a) Pyren (BaP)Abstrak
Background: The incidence of lung cancer continues to increase every year. Indonesia ranks third after China and India with an incidence of 25,322 cases in. Data obtained that 90.4% of lung cancer patients are smokers. A smoker has a 10 times greater risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers.
Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between the Brinkman Index and the incidence of lung cancer.
Method :The unmatching case and cotrol study was performed from October 2016 until February 2017. Sampel was collected from 36 male lung cancer patient at RSUP. H. Adam Malik Medan and 35 male healthy smokers. Data obtained from respondents directly through questionnaire writing.
Result : Brinkman index in the heavy category was most often found in the group of lung cancer patients at 83.3%. In the case group the most common category of brinkman index was 54.3%. Significant differences were found in the Brinkman index of the case and control groups (P <0.005)
Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between the Brinkman index and incidence of lung cancer.
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