Kata Kunci:
Background : Abortion is the threat or release of the conception result (the meeting of egg and sperm cells) at gestational age less than 20 weeks or the fetus weight is less than 500 grams, before the fetus is able to live outside the womb and there are several kinds of abortion, namely spontaneous abortion and artificial abortion. Based in its type, abortion is also divided into imminens abortion, incipient abortion, incomplete abortion, complete abortion, missed abortion, and habitual abortion.
Method : Descriptive research design in which the data was collected in cross sectional way by looking and recording data from medical records. This research was conducted at the Pirngadi Hospital in Medan. There were 42 samples taken of abortion. The profile recording of the abortion patients was carried out by determining based on occupational age, education, gestational age, number of parities and types of abortion. Data obtained later processed manually and interpreted in the form of table and diagram.
Results : This study was the profile of abortion patients in 2016 based on age ≥20 years (95,2%), private employment 15 people (35,8%), high school education 26 people (61,9%), trimester 1 gestational age (0-12 weeks) 26 people (61,9%), parity number ≥2 years 22 people (52,4%), the type of abortion (imminens abortion) 18 people (42,9%).
Conclusion : Based on the research that had been done in pirngadi regional horpital, the highest profile of abortion patients in 2016 was 20 years (95,2%), private employment 15 people (35,8%), high school education 26 people (61,9%), trimester 1 gestational age (0-12 weeks) 26 people (61,9%), parity number ≥2 years 22 people (52,4%), the type of abortion (imminens abortion) 18 people (42,9%).