Penerapan Algoritma Sorting dalam Penentuan Pekerja Pada Aplikasi Cari Kerja Oleh dan Untuk Warga Satu Kelurahan Dataran Tinggi Binjai
Job, Sorting Algorithm, Android, Job Vacancy, Share JobAbstract
The current job search process often involves posting an announcement on paper or a banner on a notice board, or in front of the company’s location. Another common method is through job search applications, such as JobStreet and others. The first method has a drawback because people may not know when the job posting is published. Meanwhile, with the second method, many people hesitate to use these applications as they feel their skills may not be sufficient. To address these issues, an Android or web-based job search application is proposed to facilitate job sharing and job seeking within a nearby area, specifically within a single subdistrict. This application is targeted at individuals with a high school education level or lower, and the jobs shared are typically daily work requiring minimal skills, such as construction work, electrical repairs, gardening, cleaning, and similar tasks. A sorting algorithm will be implemented to help select the nearest and most suitable candidate for each job. To access the application, users must first register, enabling employers to post jobs and workers to find suitable positions.
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