Hubungan Rhinitis Alergi Sebagai Faktor Pencetus Angka Kejadian Asma


  • Teresia Pirdaulina Pasaribu Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Jerry Tobing Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Salomo G.U. Simanjuntak Universitas Methodist Indonesia


Allergic Rhinitis, Chronic Inflammatory Disease


Background: Allergic rhinitis are worldwide health problem that affects everyone, this disease affects 10-30% of the population and is thought to be a risk factor for asthma in several epidemiological studies. Asthma and allergic rhinitisĀ  are chronic inflammatory diseases, and they often coexist with as many as 80% of asthmatic patients reporting allergic rhinitis and 15-40% patients of allergic rhintis reporting having asthma.

Method : This research is a research using literature review method.

Conclusion: There is a relations among incidence of asthma and also allergic rhinitis.


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