
  • Ika L. Sianturi Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Jadeny Sinatra Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Ronald Tambunan


acute respiratory distress syndrome, mortality, ICU


Background : Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a critical illness caused by infection or trauma to the lungs that requires treatment in the ICU with a mortality rate that can reach 40 to 60%. Deaths from ARDS are influenced by various factors. In terms of reducing the mortality of ARDS patients, it is necessary to know the factors that influence it. Various studies regarding the factors that influence the mortality of ARDS patients still show different results. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the incidence of death in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in ICU.

Methods : This type of research uses the method of literature study or literature review with a maximum time span of journal publishing of 5 years from 2015 to 2020. The population in this study were ARDS patients.

Conclusion : The results of this study indicate that the factors that influence the incidence of death in ARDS patients in the ICU are age, gender, comorbidities (pneumonia, COPD and sepsis) and the use of a ventilator. It can be concluded that the factors that most dominantly influence the incidence of death in ARDS patients are the factors associated with sepsis.


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Jurnal Kedokteran Methodist