
  • DEVI AN BUTAR BUTAR Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Endy Julianto Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Harry Butar-butar Universitas Methodist Indonesia


STH,Intensity infection, hemoglobin, eosinophil, basophils


Background :Soil Transmitted Helminths is one of intestinal nematodes causing ascaris disease. The impact of Soil Transmitted Helminths infection are decreased nutritional condition, stunted growth process, anemia, decreased endurance, immune reaction toward helminths infection such as basofilia and eosinofilia. Soil Transmitted Helminths infection is generally found in children ages 5-10 years as the host. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between hemoglobin, basophils, eosinophils and the intensity of infection in children infected by Soil Transmitted Helminths.

Method  : The research used literature review method using secondary data. The data were collected using documentation  techniques from domestic and abroad. The research journals used were 9 journals with inclusion criteria for the publication date of the last 10 years and the language used was Indonesia language or English language. The inclusion criteria used in this research is that children infected with Soil Transmitted Helminths.

Conclusion : There is relationship between Soil Transmitted Helminths infection with the decreased of hemoglobin and the increased of number of eosinophils..


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Jurnal Kedokteran Methodist