
  • Mika Elfrida Sihombing Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Ronald Tambunan Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Dwi Lunarta Siahaan


Background: Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) is a group of nematode parasites that cause infection in humans due to contact with parasitic eggs or larvae that develop in warm and humid soil in tropical and subtropical countries. Some STHs also cause diarrhea, loss of appetite, resulting in reduced nutritional intake. STH infection can affect the intake, digestion, absorption and metabolism of food which also affects the nutritional status of the child and can interfere with the development of children so that they are prone to disease and affect the decline in children's cognitive abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between STH infection and nutritional status and cognitive abilities in children.

Methods: The research method used was a Literature Review, using secondary data. Data were collected using documentation techniques. The research journals used were 7 journals with inclusion criteria for the publication date of the last 5 years, the language used in Indonesian or English, with the research subjects of patients with a diagnosis of STH infection, and full text publication.

Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between STH infection and nutritional status, there is a significant relationship between STH infection and cognitive abilities, especially in the concentration, working memory index and processing speed index. However, there was no significant relationship between STH infection and cognitive impairment, especially in the memory, visual-motor coordination and IQ. This can be affected by the intensity of mild, moderate and severe STH infection.


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Jurnal Kedokteran Methodist