
  • Serly Tarigan
  • Batara Simangunsong Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Budi D. Sembiring Universitas Methodist Indonesia


Cholelithiasis, Body Mass Index


Background : Cholelithiasis is a gallstone disease that can be found in the gallbladder or in the bile duct, or both. Most gallstones, especially cholesterol gallstones, form in the gallbladder. Gallstones are solid crystal deposits that form in the gallbladder. Gallstones can be divided into 3 types, cholesterol stones, pigment stones and mixed stones. The prevalence of gallstones varies depending on the area. The incidence of cholelithiasis in western countries is 20% while in Indonesia it is not much different from other countries in Southeast Asia. In addition, obesity is a major factor in the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Someone is diagnosed with this problem if the result of his body mass index (BMI) is more than 24.9 kg / m² based on the classification criteria for Asia-Pacific body weight. The purpose of this study was to determine the body mass index description with the incidence of cholelithiasis.

Methods : The research method used was a Literature Review, using secondary data. Data collection was carried out using documentation techniques. The research journals used were 8 journals with inclusion criteria, the year of publication of the journal for the last 10 years, the language used was Indonesian or English, with the research subjects, patients with a diagnosis of cholelithiasis with body mass index, age, gender, ultrasound results, lipid profile , and full text publication.

Conclusion : It was found that cholelithiasis patients with obese body weight increase the risk of cholelithiasis. It was found that cholelithiasis sufferers with normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels were found in cholelithiasis sufferers. It was found that many cholelithiasis sufferers were found in women. It was found that most cholelithiasis patients were aged ≥40 years. Found in patients with cholelithiasis who received an ultrasound examination, there were gallstones in the gallbladder.


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Jurnal Kedokteran Methodist