Medical Records


  • Kristina Panggabean a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:31:"Universitas Methodist Indonesia";}
  • Paul Saut Marganda L. Tobing Universitas Methodist Indonesia



Keywords—, Health Services, medical records




The foundation for effective patient care, healthcare planning, and the smooth running of healthcare systems is the medical record. This study explores the many dimensions of the significance of thorough medical record-keeping, emphasizing how it affects patient outcomes, the efficacy of healthcare providers, and the whole healthcare system. We examine the critical roles that medical records play in diagnosis, treatment planning, continuity of care, legal protection, and healthcare analytics through a thorough assessment of recent research and practices. First, the study addresses how thorough and accurate medical records help physicians diagnose patients more accurately by giving them a comprehensive history and context for their symptoms and past medical interventions. This all-encompassing viewpoint is necessary to create treatment programs that work and to guarantee individualized patient care.  The role of medical records in ensuring continuity of care is examined, emphasizing how they facilitate communication and coordination among multidisciplinary teams, especially in complex cases requiring long-term management. Furthermore, we explore the legal and ethical significance of medical records in protecting patient rights and providing a factual basis for clinical decisions, thereby safeguarding healthcare providers in medico-legal scenarios. The paper also considers the utility of medical records in public health and healthcare administration, where aggregated data from records is pivotal for epidemiological studies, resource allocation, and policy formulation.

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Medical Methodist Journal (Medimeth)