Medical Methodist Journal (MediMeth) 2024-03-31T13:40:52+07:00 dr. Inda M. H. Sinaga, M.Biomed. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Medical Methodist Journal (MediMeth)</strong> diterbitkan oleh Universitas Methodist Indonesia dan dikelola oleh Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Profesi Dokter sebagai media untuk mempublikasikan karya penelitian mahasiswa dan peneliti di bidang kedokteran.</p> Medical Records 2024-03-16T12:54:35+07:00 Kristina Panggabean Paul Saut Marganda L. Tobing <p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>The foundation for effective patient care, healthcare planning, and the smooth running of healthcare systems is the medical record. This study explores the many dimensions of the significance of thorough medical record-keeping, emphasizing how it affects patient outcomes, the efficacy of healthcare providers, and the whole healthcare system. We examine the critical roles that medical records play in diagnosis, treatment planning, continuity of care, legal protection, and healthcare analytics through a thorough assessment of recent research and practices. First, the study addresses how thorough and accurate medical records help physicians diagnose patients more accurately by giving them a comprehensive history and context for their symptoms and past medical interventions. This all-encompassing viewpoint is necessary to create treatment programs that work and to guarantee individualized patient care.&nbsp; The role of medical records in ensuring continuity of care is examined, emphasizing how they facilitate communication and coordination among multidisciplinary teams, especially in complex cases requiring long-term management. Furthermore, we explore the legal and ethical significance of medical records in protecting patient rights and providing a factual basis for clinical decisions, thereby safeguarding healthcare providers in medico-legal scenarios. The paper also considers the utility of medical records in public health and healthcare administration, where aggregated data from records is pivotal for epidemiological studies, resource allocation, and policy formulation.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medical Methodist Journal (MediMeth) Strategi Nutrisi dan Diet Spesifik untuk Mengelola Intoleransi Laktosa pada Anak-Anak 2024-03-18T13:49:51+07:00 Mariani br Hasibuan Mariani <p>Lactose intolerance in children necessitates a holistic management approach to address its physical and psychosocial impacts. Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating and diarrhea, are common manifestations that affect the health and quality of life of children. Management involves challenges in monitoring nutritional intake, especially calcium, and addressing social stigma. The research focuses on innovative therapies, such as enzyme therapy, to enhance understanding and management of this condition.The research findings indicate that a holistic approach involving education on alternative nutrient sources, expanding low-lactose food options, and psychosocial support can have a positive impact on managing lactose intolerance in children. The implementation of enzyme therapy also shows potential to improve nutritional balance and reduce associated symptoms. With this approach, it is hoped that children with lactose intolerance can optimize their quality of life without being overly affected by their health condition.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medical Methodist Journal (MediMeth) INFEKSI NOSOKOMIAL 2024-03-16T13:05:42+07:00 Christina Leony Sinaga Paul Saut Marganda Lumban Tobing <p><em>Health facilities play a crucial role in providing health services to the public and improving the quality of public health. Nosocomial infections are one of the main factors in increasing morbidity rates where these infections interfere with the patient's healing process and even create new health problems. The implementation of strict health protocols and effective infection control management is very important in maintaining patient safety against nosocomial infections. Nosocomial is an infection that arises in a patient while undergoing health services where he did not have the infection when he entered the health facility. Nosocomial infections can occur through various equipment and procedures carried out to care for and support the patient's healing process. The microorganisms that play a role in this are viruses, bacteria and fungi. Implementation in Infection Prevention and Control in hospitals and other health facilities plays a very crucial role, one of which is training, simulation and supervision of all staff regarding prevention and emphasis on hand washing habits according to WHO procedures.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medical Methodist Journal (MediMeth) The Side Effects of Giving Formula Milk on Baby Growth and Development 2024-03-16T12:11:25+07:00 Larasaty Anjany Inda Meirani Herawita Sinaga <p><em>Formula milk is milk produced by an industry to meet the nutritional needs of babies. In terms of packaging, formula milk is often produced in powder packaging. Indications for giving formula milk are aimed at babies who do not receive breast milk (ASI) or as additional milk if breast milk production is not sufficient for the baby's needs. The process of growth and development is a process that occurs throughout human life, starting from a person's dimensional growth and intellectual development. Apart from all its benefits, formula milk certainly has its own side effects on the baby's growth and development process.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medical Methodist Journal (MediMeth) KESEHATAN LAYANAN PRIMER 2024-03-16T11:52:45+07:00 Sofi Anggraini Zandroto Paul Saut Marganda L Tobing <p><em>Health services are a crucial component of the service sector, which covers a wide range of activities, including treatment, disease prevention, and improving public health. There must be oversight, standardization and guidelines to make these services better. Law 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System is proof of the government's dedication to social welfare. The social sphere has a significant impact on the development of the social security system. The concept of social security is a crucial mechanism. To make the National Health Insurance Program more efficient and effective, stakeholders have long argued that primary health services must be strengthened. However, the full potential of implementing this program has not been realized. One indicator that has not reached its target is the performance of the FKTP. This article aims to ensure the realization of quality basic health services.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medical Methodist Journal (MediMeth)