Man, Spirit/Soul, Matter, Life and Death, Virtue, ImmortalityAbstract
Man is an enigma. Philosophy and religion have attempted to answer the riddle. Philosophy by means of thought and religion answer by means of reflection of faith. The second examines the different fields of human with different means, but possessed the same purpose, namely to give an answer in the form of clarification in order to understand the human being as a whole and perfect. Plato was the first philosopher who studied human philosophical. Thoughts on humans are very influential to this day. Therefore, this article will describe Plato represents the philosophical. Similarly, the preaching of the Christian faith of the man who also has an impact on his people today represent the religion is also described. Both of these areas, the philosophy and the Christian faith helps enrich our knowledge about man. Both have similarities and differences. However, both can be enlightening thought and at the same time affirming faith.