TAMIKA: Jurnal Tugas Akhir Manajemen Informatika & Komputerisasi Akuntansi https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika <p><strong>TAMIKA: Jurnal Tugas Akhir Manajemen Informatika &amp; Komputerisasi Akuntansi</strong> diterbitkan oleh Universitas Methodist Indonesia dan dikelola oleh Program Studi D-III Manejemen Informatika dan Program Studi D-III Komputerisasi Akuntansi sebagai media untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan pemikiran kalangan Akademisi, Peneliti dan Praktisi di Bidang Manajemen Informatika dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi.</p> en-US jamaluddin@methodist.ac.id (Jamaluddin) jamaluddin@methodist.ac.id (Jamaluddin) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 03:48:15 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Perancangan Sistem Informasi Medical Record pada Puskesmas Buhit https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2200 <p><em>Along with the times, information technology is experiencing increasingly rapid changes in various fields. One that is used in the health sector is the medical record which is a record or file that contains the results of the patient's examination, the identity and history of the patient's illness and the results of the treatment that has been carried out. The problem that exists at the Buhit Health Center is that the system processing is still carrying out the process of recording manually into the patient's bookkeeping which results in problems that often arise at the Buhit Health Center, as well as the difficulty of processing files, such as patient data archive reports. In addition, the use of the existing system cannot guarantee the level of elasticity and is easily damaged, causing new problems such as difficulties in storing and backing up files. Medical history is also a problem in managing patient files, which are usually recorded in manual files, and stored where the patient receives treatment. The results of the problems above, the researcher designs and builds a medical record information system that functions to manage and store data and patient identity files</em><em>.</em></p> Ruth Elovani Simarmata, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Eva Julia G. Harianja Copyright (c) 2024 Ruth Elovani Simarmata, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Eva Julia G. Harianja https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2200 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Aplikasi Persediaan Menggunakan Metode Rata-Rata pada UD. Makanan Ringan Rumah Adat Minang https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2334 <p><em>Inventory of goods is goods available in a shop or trading company for sale and purchase to meet consumer demand. However, the inventory of goods must be checked periodically so that there is no stock shortage of the goods. This will make the form of service to consumers worse. So making decisions regarding stock of goods becomes difficult because information regarding the availability of goods is not provided quickly and accurately. The aim of this research is to answer the above problems that UD still faces. Minang Traditional Home Snacks. UD. Minang Traditional House Snacks is a trading business that sells various snacks. There is a need for a web-based application to be able to manage the supply of these snacks. The results and conclusions of this research are that this application can operate regarding purchases (incoming goods) and sales (outgoing goods) in providing this stock. This results in an inventory card containing information on purchase transactions, sales expenses and inventory in the form of a report that can be printed. With this application, it becomes easier for the owner to run his trading business, especially managing snack supplies, compared to not using the application.</em></p> Gabriela Lumban Tobing, Rena Nainggolan, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Lumban Tobing, Rena Nainggolan, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2334 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Penjualan Kerajinan Raga Dayang pada Desa Kutamale Berbasis Web https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2377 <p><em>Kutamale Village is an area that provides sales facilities for dayang sports crafts located in Kutamale Village. The sales system in Kutamale Village is still carried out manually, namely by visiting Kutamale Village directly. The aim of this research is to make it easier for customers to purchase bodyang handicrafts without having to come directly to Kutamale Village, so in this research a website will be created to make it easier for customers to make purchases online. Programming tools were used to build the Kutamale Village sales website, built using Sublime Open Resources based on HTML, PHP and MySQL database. With a web-based sales system, all transactions can be carried out more easily without being limited by distance or time. This sales information system was provided to Kutamale Village to become a sales promotion media to increase Kutamale Village's income and make it easier to create detailed and detailed sales reports. The research results show that a web-based sales system will make sales transactions and business processes easier.</em></p> Selli Afnita Br. Karo, Resianta Perangin-angin, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2024 Selli Afnita Br. Karo, Resianta Perangin-angin, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2377 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan di SMP Swasta Cenderamata Berbasis Web https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2175 <p><em>A computer is a device or machine that works regularly and can handle unwanted things and also functions as a device for processing data. The design and creation of a library information system at Cenderamata Private Middle School is an element that can influence operational tasks at the school. Information that is not fast, inaccurate and inefficient can be resolved by using this system. So that information systems are needed in libraries to support knowledge, insight and information for students and for teachers in schools in supporting the teaching and learning process in schools. In preparing this final project, the author aims to make it easier to borrow books through this computer system so that activities can run smoothly without obstacles due to lack of accuracy. With the system that the author made, problems can be overcome even though they have not reached the expected level of perfection.</em></p> Emia Edi Ulina Mahdalena Br. Tarigan, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Eva Julia G. Harianja Copyright (c) 2024 Emia Edi Ulina Mahdalena Br. Tarigan, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Eva Julia G. Harianja https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2175 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Elektronik pada Toko Elektronik Rahman https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2210 <p><em>This research aims to overcome challenges in the sales process at Rahman Electronic Store through the development of a web-based electronic sales information system. This research also aims to improve the product marketing strategy at the store. This sales information system is expected to be able to produce reports quickly and provide convenience in accessing information about products available at Toko Rahman.The research methods used include literature study, field research through observation, and interviews with shop owners and employees, as well as system analysis. The system design includes the creation of data flow diagrams, database structures, output design, and programming. The result of this research is the development of a web-based electronic goods sales information system that facilitates the process of selling products online through the Rahman Electronic Store website.Some of the main findings from this study include:</em> <em>A web-based sales information system assists Rahman Electronic Store in managing product information and sales transactions efficiently.</em> <em>The product management system provided by this system allows shop owners to easily manage product stock and prices.</em> <em>This system also provides sales displays, product orders, and payment processes that make it easier for customers to shop. With the existence of a web-based sales information system, it is expected that Rahman Electronic Store can increase the efficiency of the sales process and provide a better shopping experience for customers.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nelly Agustina Purba, Marlyna Infryanti Hutapea, Rena Nainggolan Copyright (c) 2024 Nelly Agustina Purba, Marlyna Infryanti Hutapea, Rena Nainggolan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2210 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Tiket Bus pada PO. Sampri Berbasis Mobile https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2248 <p><em>PO. SAMPRI is a company engaged in the field of bus transportation services where the presentation of ticket orders, departure schedule information, and payment transactions is still manual. So that it is difficult for consumers to get bus ticket reservation information and it is less efficient in terms of time and costs because consumers have to come directly to the PO counter.SAMPRI. For this reason, a mobile-based information system for ordering bus tickets was built with the aim of providing information and services to customers regarding online ticket ordering. The methods used in this research are the field method and the system design method. The field method is divided into three parts, namely observation, interview and literature study, while the analysis system design method consists of system, system design and system implementation. The expected result is to simplify PO. SAMPRI in providing services to customers and facilitating customers in the process of ordering tickets.</em></p> Senta Egrioni Sihaloho, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Resianta Perangin-angin Copyright (c) 2024 Senta Egrioni Sihaloho, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Resianta Perangin-angin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2248 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Implementasi Algoritma Naïve Bayes untuk Prediksi Penerima Bantuan Sosial di Desa Cigayam https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2563 <p><em>Social assistance is one of the government's programmes aimed at improving the lives of people especially for those who are economically disadvantaged. However, there are several reasons why some people are unable to access social assistance. In the case of this study, the authors used the Naïve Bayes algorithm with the KDD (Knowledge Discovery Database) method to predict the population in obtaining social assistance. The data was taken from the population data of Cigayam Village and the social welfare recipient data in the village ofCigayam with the results showing high accuracy in this study, for the true or false outcome of 1047 data and 53 data with the precision grade of 95.18%, 81.17%, for the real outcome, and 28.38% for the wrong outcome. So with the ROC curve shows the accuracy of the spinning visually, with an AUC of 0.868% for naïve bayes using the ROK curve of 0.90.1.</em></p> Dede Hoeriah, Bani Nurhakim, Sandy Eka Permana, Willy Prihartono, Gifthera Dwilestari Copyright (c) 2024 Dede Hoeriah, Bani Nurhakim, Sandy Eka Permana, Willy Prihartono, Gifthera Dwilestari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2563 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Penjualan Grosir Familinta Berbasis Web https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2209 <p><em>FAMILINTA wholesaler, which is located in Kaban jahe, Karo Regency of North Sumatra province, which provides a variety of cigarettes, and household goods, the process of selling goods is still written in the sales record book, in the process to find out and see the stock of available goods must also check one by one. So that it can make a sales management process slow, besides that several things are obstacles with the manual system, one of which is the large amount of data, thus making it complicated to process a sales data The author proposes, an information system to make an easy sales system, such as knowing the stock of available goods, Facilitating sales transactions, and making sales reports using the web, this system can make it easier for wholesale owners to present the amount of stock of goods, sales transactions and sales reports.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Santa Nova Elsa Liza Tarigan, Marlyna Infryanty Hutapea, Rijois Iboy Erwin Saragih Copyright (c) 2024 Santa Nova Elsa Liza Tarigan, Marlyna Infryanty Hutapea, Rijois Iboy Erwin Saragih https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2209 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Simpan Pinjam pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Hangoluan Medan https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2211 <p><em>The rapid development of information technology makes the need for various information increasing. The need for an information system is needed so that the processing of data contained in cooperatives can be more effective and accurate. Savings and loan cooperatives are institutions engaged in finance with business activities in the form of receiving deposits and loans. This is intended to help improve the welfare of the Indonesian people. The author tries to make a Final Project regarding the cooperative savings and loan program which until now has not been computerized or is still done manually. The system, which is still done manually, allows errors in recording, inaccurate reports made, and delays in finding the necessary data. Member registration, storage, loan application, and loan installment payments where all of that can be done more quickly and accurately by making an application that is poured in the form of a web. This information system is created using the Sublime Text 3 application, while the programming language uses PHP, to run a web server using XAMPP, and </em><em>MySQL</em><em> is used for database management. With this information system, it is expected to make it easier for the community and cooperative members to get savings and loans information at the Hangoluan Medan Savings and Loans Cooperative.</em></p> Yolanda Yastasia Sinaga, Rijois Iboy E. Saragih, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2024 Yolanda Yastasia Sinaga, Rijois Iboy E. Saragih, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2211 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengelolaan Data dan Pelayanan Jasa pada Berkah Laundry Karangasem Berbasis Website https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2579 <p><em>Berkah Laundry is a laundry services in the Karangasem Laweyan at Surakarta. Berkah Laundry has been </em><em>established for three years. The main focus of services at Berkah Laundry is washing and ironing clothes. Berkah Laundry does not use a computerizedsystem at this time. Managing customer data and report data is still done manually withevery recording activity report in a book. Therefore, the laundry owner experienced problems when checking the previously recorded data. The final project aims to build a website-based data management system and services at Berkah Laundry Karangasem.It is expected to assist in managing customer data and report data. The website was built using the waterfall method. The collecting data method implemented literature study, observation, and interviews. System design used UML system design. The implementation process used PHP and MySQL databases. System display design usedHTML 5 and CSS. This system consists of 2 users, namely customers and admin. Customers have access to login, order laundry services, view laundry information, vieworder lists, and view order notes. Admins have access to login, manage customer data, manage admin data, manage order data, manage receipt data, view the recap of incomedata, and view the recap of data order. The system testing process used the webqual 4.0 method and multiple regression. Based on the test, the results show 0.810 or equalto 81.0%. It shows a value that indicates that the user feels helped by the system.</em></p> Panty Wuyo Copyright (c) 2024 Panty Wuyo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2579 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Perancangan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pembayaran SPP Siswa SMP Bunga Bangsa 4 Medan Berbasis Web https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2223 <p><em>The development of information technology has become a primary necessity in human life and has a significant impact on various institutions, including educational institutions. However, at SMP Swasta Bunga Bangsa 4 Medan, the student tuition payment system (SPP) is still manual, leading to inefficiency, lack of data security, and difficulties in checking bills. Therefore, a web-based information system needs to be developed to address these issues and enhance the performance of the administrative staff. The aim of this research is to design a web-based SPP payment information system to assist in the student tuition payment process. The benefits include providing payment information, facilitating transaction records, and enhancing data security. </em></p> Dewi Purnama Sari, Roni J. Simamora, Rijois Iboy E. Saragih Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Purnama Sari, Roni J. Simamora, Rijois Iboy E. Saragih https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2223 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Survei Kepuasan Masyarakat pada Pelayanan Publik di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Berbasis Web https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2496 <p><em>Public services play an important role in real terms for the community as a form of service to the community. Certain community services can be facilities that support people's lives, such as roads, clean water, and other services. The higher the quality of public services, the better people's lives will be, meaning that there will be no problems that prevent them from carrying out their daily activities. Meanwhile, services are in the form of public services that are really needed by the community, such as health and education services as well as transportation arrangements. The quality of service at the Serdang Bedagai Regency Regent's Office is classified as "B", where there are still several things that are not good, in terms of implementation time, implementation behavior, handling of petitions, complaints, infrastructure by the community.</em></p> Estri Aprilia Hutagalung, Rimbun Siringoringo, Resianta Perangin-angin Copyright (c) 2024 Estri Aprilia Hutagalung, Rimbun Siringoringo, Resianta Perangin-angin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2496 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peningkatan Akurasi Klasifikasi Tingkat Kesejahteraan Keluarga di Desa Dukuhbadag Menggunakan Algoritma Decision Tree https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2738 <p><em>The level of family welfare in Dukuhbadag Village, Kuningan Regency, perhaps stems from the desire to understand and discover the elements that contribute to the level of family welfare in the area. The core problem in DukuhBadag Village is that it does not yet have an optimal assessment method to ensure the welfare status of the family. The methodology used namely the Decision Tree Algorithm, was chosen as a tool to provide potential future welfare decisions by applying predictions to guarantee that the information depends on the current collection of data types. This research aims to increase the accuracy of the classification of family welfare levels in the village, by applying the Decision Tree algorithm. The test results show that the application of the Decision Tree algorithm succeeded in increasing the accuracy of the classification of family welfare levels in Dukuhbadag Village, by achieving an accuracy of 72.43%. By predicting the condition of family welfare more accurately, it is hoped that this research can provide valuable information regarding the status of family welfare. This information can be the basis for improving development policies at the village level, ensuring more appropriate and effective aid allocation.</em></p> Taufik Hidayat, Rudi Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Taufik Hidayat, Rudi Kurniawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2738 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Pemesanan dan Pembayaran Tiket Bus pada PO Bintang Utara Berbasis Web https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2225 <p><em>Currently, many transactions for ordering and paying for bus tickets are done manually, and it is common for confusion and errors to occur during the process. Therefore, an information system for ordering and paying for bus tickets is needed that is designed to make it easier for the administration to provide and provide better service to prospective passengers. The purpose of developing this system is to create a Bus Ticket Ordering and Payment Information System that is practical and easy to use and can easily provide the data needed. With these reasons, the authors wish to create a system regarding ordering and paying for bus tickets that is built using information technology (web-based).</em></p> Ligera Sihombing, Eva Julia G. Harianja, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2024 Ligera Sihombing, Eva Julia G. Harianja, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2225 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Perancangan Aplikasi Marketplace Petani Saribu Dolok Hangoluan Medan https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2288 <p><em>Agriculture is an activity carried out by humans to produce food or energy sources to manage their environment. In today's development, information technology has increased rapidly in various fields. As in the field of agriculture, information technology also provides many benefits to the community, especially the Garingging farmer group. The problem that occurs with the Garingging farmer group is that there is no application that helps farmer groups in selling agricultural products without going through intermediaries so that farmers selling agricultural products get unsatisfactory prices. The solution taken to solve this problem is to build a marketplace application design to make it easier for farmer groups to sell their agricultural products using several programming applications. The results of the research that has been carried out and the website that has been built is to help farmer groups sell their agricultural products easily so that farmer groups sell agricultural products not through intermediaries but through sellers and buyers in order to get satisfactory prices for farmers.</em></p> Bagas Andika Cristo Purba, Resianta Perangin-angin , Rijois I. E. Saragih Copyright (c) 2024 Bagas Andika Cristo Purba, Resianta Perangin-angin , Rijois I. E. Saragih https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2288 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Kolportase Biro Zending HKBP Pematang Siantar Berbasis Web https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2479 <p><em>In</em> <em>this</em> <em>modern</em> <em>era,</em> <em>technological</em> <em>advances</em> <em>are</em> <em>developing</em> <em>rapidly,</em> <em>especially information technology. Information technology really helps people in</em> <em>getting information quickly and easily and makes work easier. Where activities</em> <em>include</em> <em>recording</em> <em>inventory</em> <em>of</em> <em>goods</em> <em>for</em> <em>inventory</em> <em>at</em> <em>the</em> <em>Zending</em> <em>HKBP</em> <em>colportage, making a</em> <em>list of purchases of goods,</em> <em>up to making</em> <em>sales reports and</em> <em>the problems that occur in carrying out inventory records of goods and making a</em> <em>list of purchases of goods is only done manually, while for making purchase and</em> <em>sales reports only relying on the existing application, namely Ms.Excel, but all of</em> <em>these</em> <em>recording</em> <em>processes</em> <em>often</em> <em>go</em> <em>wrong,</em> <em>require</em> <em>a</em> <em>long</em> <em>time</em> <em>and</em> <em>inaccurate</em> <em>data in making reports, so that reports are submitted late to the head of the HKBP</em> <em>Zending Bureau. So that in making a web requires collaboration between the</em> <em>above programs. This book ordering information system can make it easier for</em> <em>consumers or buyers to search books according to the category / type of book and</em> <em>make online purchases. With this web-based book ordering information website</em> <em>running on the internet network to make it easier for consumers without being</em> <em>limited</em> <em>by</em> <em>time, distance</em> <em>and weather.</em></p> Ryan Philip Hutagaol, Rijois I. E. Saragih, Resianta Perangin-angin Copyright (c) 2024 Ryan Philip Hutagaol, Rijois I. E. Saragih, Resianta Perangin-angin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2479 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Pendataan Pengunjung Menggunakan Framework Laravel https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2806 <p><em>Indonesia is a country with enormous tourism potential. A condition that should be able to utilize data for decision making to increase traveler satisfaction. Unfortunately, tourist attractions still collect visitor data using ledgers, a solution that is still manual. Several previous studies have seen this as a problem, and then offered solutions such as website, registration and e-ticketing. However, the existing solutions are still general data collection which does not yet support detailed data such as types and categories of visits. This research proposes developing a solution by including data on agency, category, type of visit, purpose of visit, and area of origin. A solution that will make it easier to collect detailed data and quickly search for data. Geopark Informations Center Ranah Minang Silokek then became the object of a case study, where the visit categories can be divided into geotourism, geoeducation, geoculture, and other visits. The solution also delivers improved software quality, reduced initial costs, and improved user experience by leveraging the Laravel framework. Research methods include literature study, needs analysis, system design, system implementation, and report writing. A solution that is able to provide a visitor data collection information system with the capability to accommodate detailed visitor data. A solution that makes it easier to quickly search for information and will be able to provide data that will later be needed by data science-based solutions.</em></p> Edri Yunizal, Firna Lusiana Copyright (c) 2024 Edri Yunizal, Firna Lusiana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2806 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Perancangan Aplikasi Pembayaran SPP pada SMA Swasta Etislandia Medan https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2481 <p><em>Information and communication technology makes it possible to work in the school sector. Currently there is a data case in the school sector that handles education fee installments. To help achieve an ideal data framework for managing education fee installments, an information system that is useful, precise and fast is needed. Organizing carried out physically will hinder the organization's implementation as school cash manager. The creator conducted a search and created a Fee Installment Instruction Application using the Java programming dialect in the Android Studio application and Firebase as the database. The aim of this research is to find out what pictures and problems arise from the system that is already running and the system that will be designed, as well as speed up the regulatory portion in serving instruction fee installments and make progress on the old framework by replacing it with a modern framework.</em></p> Putra Halomoan Tobing, Marlyna I. Hutapea, Rimbun Siringoringo Copyright (c) 2024 Putra Halomoan Tobing, Marlyna I. Hutapea, Rimbun Siringoringo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2481 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Informasi Pemesanan pada PT. Ivomas Tunggal Lestari Ujung Tanjung Workshop Berbasis Website https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2567 <p><em>Over time, information systems have become a supporting tool in carrying out daily activities in the company. Examples such as masking sales reports at PT. Ivomas Tunggal Lestari. This company is an internal company, where all its activities are only carried out by a subsidiary of PT. Ivomas Tunggal Lestari. This website based sales information system aims to help employees without having to look for files that have been scattered everywhere. This system is based on qualitative methods and implemented using PHP and Mysql. The final result obtained is a website-based sales information system used by PT. Ivomas Tunggal Lestari. This system is able to provide reports on every sales transaction.</em></p> Askeline Ruthkenera Br Nadapdap, Rimbun Siringoringo, Eva Julia G. Harianja Copyright (c) 2024 Askeline Ruthkenera Br Nadapdap, Rimbun Siringoringo, Eva Julia G. Harianja https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2567 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Perancangan WebGIS sebagai Daya Tarik Destinasi Wisata Bahari di Raja Ampat https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2965 <p><em>Indonesia, with 17,540 islands spread from Sabang to Merauke, is known as a maritime country with extensive</em> <em>natural potential, especially in marine tourism. One of the famous marine tourism potentials is Raja Ampat or</em> <em>known as "last paradise on earth." The marine tourism management process still needs to be improved. This</em> <em>research aims to design WebGIS, using GIS technology and other software, to help increase information about</em> <em>marine tourism destinations in Raja Ampat. The research method applied uses the waterfall model, which</em> <em>includes analysis, design, and system implementation. This research resulted in designing a WebGIS system that</em> <em>makes it easier for users to find information about marine tourism destinations in Raja Ampat. WebGIS is an</em> <em>innovative solution to overcome this challenge, so that tourists can find out about tourist infrastructure in Raja</em> <em>Ampat</em> <em>easily</em> <em>and</em> <em>quickly.</em> <em>It</em> <em>is</em> <em>hoped</em> <em>that</em> <em>this</em> <em>will</em> <em>improve</em> <em>the</em> <em>tourist</em> <em>experience</em> <em>and</em> <em>support</em> <em>the</em> <em>management</em> <em>of</em> <em>marine tourismto</em> <em>be more effective,</em> <em>especially in Raja</em> <em>Ampat. </em></p> Sakila Divia Fitriyani, Vinsa Qatrunnada, Dini Dwi Andini, M. Fahri, Della Ayu Lestari, Joy Elisabeth Silaban, Tirta Samudera Ramadhani Copyright (c) 2024 Sakila Divia Fitriyani, Vinsa Qatrunnada, Dini Dwi Andini, M. Fahri, Della Ayu Lestari, Joy Elisabeeth Silaban, Tirta Samudera Ramadhani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2965 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pendekatan AI dan Data Sains dalam Bencana Geo-Hidrometeorologi di Sumatera Utara https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2457 <p><em>Challenges in the era of society 5.0 in disaster mitigation and management in Indonesia encourage the importance of innovation and adaptation to new technologies in dealing with geo-hydrometeorological disasters in North Sumatra, Indonesia. North Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia located in the northwestern part of Sumatra Island. It is an area that has the potential for Geo-Hydrometeorological disasters, whether it comes from earthquakes, floods, strong winds, drought due to climate change, landslides, and others. In this research, disaster management is needed to provide the widest possible information to the community related to mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, and recovery. The purpose of this research is to provide an understanding of geo-hydrometeorological disasters to the people of North Sumatra, Indonesia with AI and Data Science approaches, namely Prediction and Early Warning, risk and vulnerability analysis, monitoring, real-time response, data and information management, and education and public awareness. In general, the development of informatics engineering in geo-hydrometeorology disasters based on AI and Data Science has had a very good impact, both from the code of ethics and ethics of Professional Engineers, Professional and Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, and the Environment. AI and Data Science approaches in engineering practice in the community encourage the handling of geo-hydrometeorological disasters in North Sumatra has great potential to improve the effectiveness of disaster mitigation, response and recovery. Data analysis with AI and data science approaches helps in making policies that are more targeted and effective in disaster risk mitigation. Data Science can be used to analyse disaster impacts and assist in effective recovery planning. It requires data availability, and collecting data post-disaster can be difficult, but it is essential for impact analysis and model improvement.</em></p> Marzuki Sinambela, Yustina Sri Suharini Copyright (c) 2024 Marzuki Sinambela, Yustina Sri Suharini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2457 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700