TAMIKA: Jurnal Tugas Akhir Manajemen Informatika & Komputerisasi Akuntansi https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika <p><strong>TAMIKA: Jurnal Tugas Akhir Manajemen Informatika &amp; Komputerisasi Akuntansi</strong> diterbitkan oleh Universitas Methodist Indonesia dan dikelola oleh Program Studi D-III Manejemen Informatika dan Program Studi D-III Komputerisasi Akuntansi sebagai media untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan pemikiran kalangan Akademisi, Peneliti dan Praktisi di Bidang Manajemen Informatika dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi</p> en-US jamaluddin@methodist.ac.id (Jamaluddin) jamaluddin@methodist.ac.id (Jamaluddin) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:34:52 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PERANCANGAN SISTEM PENJUALAN PADA TOKO ROTI CHIKA BERBASIS WEBSITE https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2155 <p><em>The development of computer technology and science has had a positive impact on various areas of human life, including the food industry. One form of this development is the existence of an online bakery that makes it easier for consumers to order bread without having to come to the store. This study aims to design a web-based sales system at Chika Bakery using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. This system will manage data on sales, inventory, purchases, and sales reports. Identification of problems is done to overcome the obstacles that exist in the bakery sales process. The purpose of this research is to design and implement a web-based sales system, analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the system, provide solutions to the problems encountered, and provide recommendations for improvements. This research uses the method of observation and literature study in data collection. The results of the research will assist shop owners in facilitating the transaction process, increasing market reach, facilitating sales monitoring and reporting, increasing customer trust, and increasing the author's knowledge and skills in designing web-based systems. </em></p> Lady Rachael Yemima Sihotang, Rena Nainggolan, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2023 Lady Rachael Yemima Sihotang, Rena Nainggolan, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2155 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN PAKAIAN DI TOKO LINDUNG BERBASIS WEB https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2177 <p><em>Toko Lindung is a shop that sells women's fashion and traditional karo fabrics, located at Jalan Pelita II No. 56 Pancur Batu. The sales system at this store is still done manually, namely coming directly to the store. The purpose of this research is to make it easier for customers to make fashion purchases without having to come directly to the store, so that in this research a website will be created to make it easier for customers to make purchases online. The sales website at Toko Lindung was built using an open source sublime programming tool based on HTML, PHP and MySQL database. With the existence of a web-based sales system, all transactions can be carried out more easily without being limited by distance and time. The results of this study are in the form of a web-based sales design, so with this web-based sales system, sales transactions and business processes will become easier.</em></p> Mawar Silvia Br Purba, Rena Nainggolan, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2023 Mawar Silvia Br Purba, Rena Nainggolan, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2177 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI PEMESANAN TIKET BUS PADA PT. BINTANG TANI JAYA(BTN) BERBASIS WEBSITE https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2201 <p><em>The Web-Based Bus Ticket Reservation Information System at PT. Bintang Tani Jaya (BTN) is an application aimed at facilitating the process of online bus ticket reservation for customers of PT. Bintang Tani Jaya. This application is designed using web-based technology, enabling customers to easily book bus tickets through internet-connected devices. </em></p> <p><em>The system integrates crucial features such as checking bus schedule availability, selecting travel routes, choosing seats, and making secure online payments. Using keywords such as bus ticket reservation, PT. Bintang Tani Jaya, web-based, and online application, this system is expected to enhance the efficiency of bus ticket reservation services, providing convenience and ease for customers.</em></p> Betseba Br. Hombing, Rimbun Siringoringo, Roni J. Simamora Copyright (c) 2023 Betseba Br. Hombing, Rimbun Siringoringo, Roni J. Simamora https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2201 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERANCANGAN E-MARKETPLACE UMKM DI KABUPATEN KARO https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2011 <p><em>Small and medium-sized enterprises or better known as SMEs. SMEs are developing very rapidly and have an important role for the economy. The main obstacle faced by SMEs actors is the difficulty of promoting products widely and this occurs in almost all SMEs, including Karo Regency SMEs, in terms of overcoming this, various strategies have been implemented by the Karo Regency Cooperative and SMEs services including: holding exhibitions in various regions, collaborating with third parties and provide business consulting services. However, these strategies are considered less effective because there are still many weaknesses such as the large costs required, limited SMEs that can participate, short time, and small scope of promotion. The purpose of this study is to develop aweb-based e-Marketplace system as a medium for promoting SMEs products widely and to increase income for SMEs players in Karo Regency.</em></p> Kris Inanta Br. Tarigan, Marlyna I. Hutapea, Rena Nainggolan Copyright (c) 2023 Kris Inanta Br. Tarigan, Marlyna I. Hutapea, Rena Nainggolan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2011 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI DESA HUTARAJA KECAMATAN SIPOHOLON BERBASIS WEB https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2217 <p><em>In this era of development, people are required to know and understand developments about the importance of existing technology. Technology makes it easy to help every human activity in the world of academia, builders and others, especially in the field of government. At present Hutaraja Village still uses a manual system which in the end the community cannot obtain the information needed at any time, so much information is not yet known. And activities to carry out data management processes, such as population data collection, and social assistance (social assistance) are still manualized using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. So it is hoped that Hutaraja Village will use a web-based information system with the aim of making it easier for the community to get the information they need at any time connected to the internet and to make it easier for village officials to manage population data. By using several research methods, namely system design and analysis. With the implementation of an information system in Hutaraja Village, the delivery of information from the village to the community will be more effective.</em></p> Roida Ferawati Sibagariang, Rimbun Siringoringo, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2023 Roida Ferawati Sibagariang, Rimbun Siringoringo, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2217 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI PENDAFTARAN SISWA BARU BERBASIS WEB PADA SMP NEGERI 2 SIMPANG EMPAT https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/1965 <p><em>SMP Negeri 2 Simpang Empat is a junior high school located in Ndokum Siroga Village, Simpang Empat District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra Province. Information Technology has developed very rapidly with a variety of software created to modern hardware. Technological developments from time to time are getting more advanced, we can see in various aspects of life, one of which is in registering for a school, it is enough to connect to the internet and enter the intended school's website page, then we can register, so that all the activities we do become easier and more efficient. This study aims to build a school website where new students can be accepted through online media and this website is developed using the PHP programming language, MySQL database. This website can make it easier for prospective students to register for school because they only need to be connected to the internet, and registration can be done anywhere and anytime. It is also easier for schools to record new student acceptance data reports because they can check applicant data directly through the website.</em></p> Yepta Efraim Torong, Marlyna Infryanty Hutapea, Resianta Perangin-angin Copyright (c) 2023 Yepta Efraim Torong, Marlyna Infryanty Hutapea, Resianta Perangin-angin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/1965 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN PRODUK SKINCARE PADA TOKO UNDERPRICE SKINCARE BERBASIS MOBILE https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2174 <p><em>In the digital era that continues to grow, the use of information technology is increasingly increasing the efficiency and quality of services in various industries. One sector that has adopted digital transformation is the skin care business. Designing a mobile-based skin care product sales information system that is applied to Underprice Skincare stores. The resulting information system integrates technology components with Underprice Skincare store business processes. Database design includes data storage of skin care products, customer information, sales transaction history, and stock status. The mobile application that was built provides access for store employees to provide better service to customers.</em></p> Dewi Purnama Sidabutar, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Rimbun Siringoringo Copyright (c) 2023 Dewi Purnama Sidabutar, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Rimbun Siringoringo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2174 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI PERPUSTAKAAN DI SMP SWASTA GKPI PADANG BULAN MEDAN BERBASIS WEB https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2244 <p><em>Information systems are needed in libraries to support the knowledge, understanding and information of students and teachers in schools to support teaching and learning processes in schools. This information is data that is processed in a form that is more useful and meaningful to the people who receive it. One of the things that can affect the school's operational mission is the design and creation of a web information system for the GKPI Padang Bulan Medan Private School Library. Information that is not timely, inaccurate and inefficient can be overcome by implementing this system, the library is very important to assist the implementation of data management and transactions that occur in the library. The library is an organizational entity that functions as a container for collecting, storing, managing, and managing in a structured manner various kinds of library materials. These materials are designed to be accessible and utilized by users as sources of information, references, or information research materials as well as learning and playing tools. The author aims to facilitate the process of borrowing books by utilizing a system that is run via a computer so that if you are not careful it can disrupt the normal operation of the library and can be repaired</em></p> Rut Magdalena Br. Siagian, Rimbun Siringoringo, Roni J. Simamora Copyright (c) 2023 Rut Magdalena Br. Siagian, Rimbun Siringoringo, Roni J. Simamora https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2244 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI PENGADUAN MASYARAKAT BERBASIS MOBILE DI LINGKUNGAN PERKUTUT HELVETIA TENGAH https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/1929 <p><em>The rapid development of information technology encourages the opening of opportunities for all aspects of life, including the public sector of the state apparatus which is held at the sub-district or sub-district level. Efforts to improve public services are a form of bureaucracy designed to encourage community participation and create good governance. The Perkutut II environmental community complaint application is an application designed to assist the community in submitting complaints that occur in the surrounding environment. The expected result is to increase community participation, a good complaint application will encourage active community participation in reporting problems and issues that affect them. With an easy-to-use platform and good accessibility, people will feel more involved and play a role in building a good community.</em></p> Maria Tesalonika Nababan, Rimbun Siringoringo, Eva Julia G. Harianja Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Tesalonika Nababan, Rimbun Siringoringo, Eva Julia G. Harianja https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/1929 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI E-LIBRARY PADA SMA NEGERI 2 TARUTUNG BERBASIS WEB DENGAN TEKNOLOGI RESPONSIF https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2158 <p><em>Library data processing at SMA Negeri 2 Tarutung is still done manually. This is a problem of SMA N 2 Tarutung library, such as limited book collection, difficulty accessing books, inability to present information optimally in terms of speed, accuracy, and smooth system, and other problems related to traditional libraries. The purpose of this final project research is to design a web-based library for SMA Negeri 2 Tarutung that can be used to encourage students to read more books and make it easier for students to access books, namely through digital books (E-Library) Research methodology to collect information about library information system design includes reading scientific papers, conducting interviews, and making observations. Interviews and observations are used to analyze information system needs, which is then followed by creating databases, web inputs and outputs, and PHP software. The development phase includes PHP program development, database design, input and output design for the web, and Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs). Trials are run to assess the system as a whole. The results of the design of the E-library information system show that the application of this system can improve the quality of student reading by facilitating access to books through the web platform.</em></p> Vemmy Joshi Apfia Sihotang, Eva Julia Gunawati Harianja, Rena Nainggolan Copyright (c) 2023 Vemmy Joshi Apfia Sihotang, Eva Julia Gunawati Harianja, Rena Nainggolan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2158 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI PENGGAJIAN GURU DAN PEGAWAI DI SEKOLAH DASAR ADVENT 2 MEDAN BERBASIS WEB https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2172 <p><em>The Design Information System of Payroll for Teachers and Employees in Medan Adventist 2 Elementary School is a research that has the goal of developing an information system that can be used efficiently to process the payroll process for teachers and employees of Medan Adventist 2 Elementary School. This information system is designed to facilitate the web-based payroll process which does not require a lot of time to process payroll, whereas previously the payroll process was done manually using a ledger which took quite a long time. The results of this study are a payroll information system for teachers and employees that can assist cashiers as admins in carrying out the payroll process and issuing salaries that will be received by teachers and employees accurately and systematically. This system is also equipped with a security feature that ensures that only the main admin, namely the cashier, has the authority to make payroll.</em></p> Artauli Meypia Hutahaean, Eva Julia Gunawati Harianja, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2023 Artauli Meypia Hutahaean, Eva Julia Gunawati Harianja, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2172 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PEMBAYARAN SPP DI SD MASEHI 3 KABANJAHE BERBASIS WEB https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2206 <p><em>The development of information technology has had a significant impact on managing data and information in the field of education. This study aims to design and develop a web-based tuition payment information system at SD Masehi 3 Kabanjahe to improve student data management and payment transactions. This information system is intended to assist teachers, administrative staff, and students in carrying out their duties more efficiently. The data collection method was carried out through observation and interviews with the school, as well as secondary data collection from existing documents. Based on the results of data analysis, this research resulted in the design of an information system that includes a web interface design for managing student data, information on tuition payments, and introducing the school to the public. The results of research on designing a web-based SPP payment information system that can assist users in recording, managing, and tracking SPP payments more efficiently. This system can also provide accurate and relevant information for parties involved in the educational process at SD Masehi 3 Kabanjahe. With this system, it is hoped that school administration management can be carried out more easily and effectively, and students can access tuition payment information quickly and comfortably.</em></p> Yiska Sonia Kristin Nduru, Rimbun Siringoringo, Rena Nainggolan Copyright (c) 2023 Yiska Sonia Kristin Nduru, Rimbun Siringoringo, Rena Nainggolan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2206 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI SEKOLAH PADA SD MASEHI 1 KABANJAHE BERBASIS WEB https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2198 <p><em><span class="selectable-text copyable-text">School Information Systems play an important role in managing administrative information in educational institutions. Masehi 1 Kabanjahe Elementary School still uses manual methods in collecting student data and collecting tuition fees. The manual method makes the work less effective and efficient. This study aims to develop a web-based School Information System for SD Masehi 1 Kabanjahe to improve efficiency in processing student data and administering tuition payments. This research uses a structured system development approach and a web-based system development methodology. The results of the School Information System research at the Web-Based Masehi 1 Kabanjahe Private Elementary School are expected to help meet the needs in processing student data and administrative data on tuition payments.</span></em></p> Riana Br Brahmana, Eva Julia G. Harianja, Rena Nainggolan Copyright (c) 2023 Riana Br Brahmana, Eva Julia G. Harianja, Rena Nainggolan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2198 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI DESA SIBANDANG BERBASIS WEB https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2212 <p><em>The current development of the village government is good with the existence of a village fund budget from the central government which aims to advance the village, current village development is inseparable from the support of information technology, almost every village needs information technology to improve services to the community. One example is the existence of the internet into the village program, the internet is currently not only enjoyed by urban communities but has reached rural communities. In this era of increasingly advanced technology, a website-based information system can be implemented in Sibandang Village to overcome the above constraints. With the various kinds of information presented. Likewise, village leaders can directly provide or update information related to the villages they are fostering. All forms of information regarding all types of population management can be accessed on the village information system page. The methods used in this study are problem formulation, data collection, problem identification, system development and research methods.</em></p> Lasmita Siregar, Roni J. Simamora, Eviyanti Novita Purba Copyright (c) 2023 Lasmita Siregar, Roni J. Simamora, Eviyanti Novita Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2212 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI LAYANAN PEMINJAMAN DAN PEMBAYARAN KEUANGAN PADA PT BPR NBP 8 CABANG TIGALINGGA https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2214 <p><em>The Information System is very useful for PT BPR NBP 8 Tigalingga Branch because it can simplify and speed up work processes on the system. The previous system still used the manual method, namely recording data by writing in a book. At PT BPR this is very useful in carrying out its activities so it is very helpful for officers. This information system assists officers in storing financial reports, data, and with this system it can be easier or safer. In making database information system databases at BPR, it really needs an implementation process design. The database information system will be used to record information on lending services and financial payments at bpr nbp. The process of making a loan and payment information system will be designed using a Web Server application, XAMPP, Sublimenttext 3, Web Browser. Based on the analysis of the previous system, it was very common to have errors in bookkeeping and experienced many errors, so currently using an information system that has been designed that will help officers more easily, quickly, even more secure and will not experience errors again.</em></p> Elsa Cristina Sihombing, Marlyna I. Hutapea, Rena Nainggolan Copyright (c) 2023 Elsa Cristina Sihombing, Marlyna I. Hutapea, Rena Nainggolan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/tamika/article/view/2214 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700