METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika & Komputerisasi Akuntansi <p><strong>METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika &amp; Komputerisasi Akuntansi</strong> diterbitkan oleh Universitas Methodist Indonesia dan dikelola oleh Program Studi D-III Manejemen Informatika dan Program Studi D-III Komputerisasi Akuntansi sebagai media untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan pemikiran kalangan Akademisi, Peneliti dan Praktisi di Bidang Manajemen Informatika dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi.</p> <p>Terakreditasi <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>SINTA 4</strong></a> berdasarkan SK Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi <strong>No. 105/E/KPT/2022</strong></p> Universitas Methodist Indonesia en-US METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika & Komputerisasi Akuntansi 2598-8565 Analisis Kualitas Website E-Perpus Menggunakan Metode WebQual 4.0 dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) <p><em>The e-Perpus website is a digital library owned by SMA Negeri 4 Kediri. The e-Perpus website can only be used to view book availability and borrow books only. There is an assessment column for websites which are categorized into 3 criteria, namely good, adequate and poor. Based on these general criteria, it is difficult to know what aspects are considered good, sufficient, or poor. The aim of this research is to find out what indicators have or have not met user expectations for the website based on end user perceptions. This research uses the Webqual 4.0 method with 3 variables: usability quality, information quality, and service interaction quality and the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method to determine the level of performance and expectations for websites using a descriptive quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 95 respondents and the results of the gap analysis showed that all indicators were negative, this indicates that the quality of the website has not met user expectations. The variable that has the biggest gap is the usability quality variable with an average of -0.60, then the service interaction quality variable with an average of -48, and finally the usability quality variable with an average of -0.36. The IPA results show that overall the indicators that require improvement are the ability to carry out tasks, relevant information and detailed information.</em></p> Fina Dhiannisa Rina Firliana Anita Sari Wardani Copyright (c) 2024 Fina Dhiannisa, Rina Firliana, Anita Sari Wardani 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 129 137 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp129-137 Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kasir Berbasis Website Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP dan Database MySQL <p><em>The rapid advancement of information technology makes it easier and faster for humans to get information or assistance with their tasks. As long as the sales and payment processes at Hasiankupi Café are still carried out using a cash register, errors and problems continue to occur, especially in the process of preparing and distributing sales reports. This study intends to develop a web-based cashier management information system that can be utilized for the sales and payment processes at Hasiankupi Café. This web-based cashier management information system was developed using PHP and MySQL. Requirements Planning, Design Workshop, and Implementation are stages of the RAD system development method used. Use Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, and Class Diagrams are UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams used in designing management information systems. With this management information system, Hasiankupi Café employees can effectively and efficiently process food and beverage data, make payment transactions, and generate sales reports.</em></p> Fathiya Hasyifah Sibarani Copyright (c) 2024 Fathiya Hasyifah Sibarani 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 138 146 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp138-146 Implementasi QR Code untuk Sistem Penyewaan Lapangan Futsal Berbasis Android <p><em>This research aims to implement QR code technology in an Android-based futsal field rental system. The development method used is an Android-based software development method (Mobile Apps Development). QR codes are used as a medium for user identification and verification when ordering a futsal field. This system is designed to make it easier for users to make field reservations quickly and efficiently. Users can make orders via the Android application by scanning the QR code available at the futsal field location. The implementation results show that using QR codes can speed up the reservation process and reduce the possibility of data input errors. Apart from that, using this system can also improve the user experience in ordering futsal fields. It is hoped that the implementation of QR codes in this system can increase efficiency and convenience in the overall futsal field ordering process.</em></p> Fajar Mahardika Raden Bagus Bambang Sumantri Rizki Ripai Riki Aldi Pari Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Mahardika, Raden Bagus Bambang Sumantri, Rizki Ripai, Riki Aldi Pari 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 147 154 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp147-154 Perancangan Aplikasi E-Commerce Menggunakan Cloud Computing dan Arsitektur Severless Lambda <p><em>E-commerce applications are one area that continues to develop rapidly in the digital industry. The use of cloud computing and serverless lambda technology has provided many advantages in developing and managing e-commerce applications. However, the need for flexibility, scalability, and operational efficiency is increasingly driving the adoption of serverless architecture as an approach to building adaptive and cost-effective e-commerce applications. The app allows sellers to market products, take orders, and manage inventory efficiently, while customers can easily browse the product catalog, add items to their shopping cart, and complete checkout. Through performance analysis and evaluation, we show that the serverless Lambda architecture is capable of automatically providing scalability according to application traffic requirements. Additionally, a serverless approach also reduces the burden of infrastructure administration, allowing developers to focus on developing features and functionality that have a direct impact on the user experience.</em></p> Liem Margareth Santoso Frederik Samuel Papilaya Copyright (c) 2024 Liem Margareth Santoso 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 155 163 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp155-163 Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Online Berbasis Web pada Apotek Dua Farma <p><em>Indonesian society increasingly relies on information technology in various aspects of life, including business and healthcare services. Pharmacies, as vital entities in healthcare, require information systems to manage data effectively. However, the Indonesian Ministry of Health states that more than 80% of healthcare facilities in Indonesia have not yet adopted digital technology, including Apotek Dua Farma, which manages 700 types of medicines and 100 manual transactions daily. This research aims to develop an online-sales and ordering information system based on a website using the Laravel framework at Apotek Dua Farma to address the difficulties in recording products and sales processes. The method used is Rapid Application Development (RAD), a fast and iterative linear sequential software development model. The research results indicate that the web-based information system developed has four types of users: admin, owner, pharmacist, and customer. This system successfully implements features such as product management, cashier system, online order processing, transaction tracking, reporting, and successfully applies the QRIS payment method. Blackbox testing shows that all features function well and meet the operational needs of Apotek Dua Farma, thereby improving the efficiency and accuracy of product recording and sales.</em></p> Kiki Alfaini Nurrizki Raden Bagus Bambang Sumantri Arif Setia Sandi A Copyright (c) 2024 Kiki Alfaini Nurrizki, Raden Bagus Bambang Sumantri, Arif Setia Sandi A 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 164 173 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp164-173 Designing a Web-Based Light Novel Application with an LLM-Powered Chatbot Recommendation System Using Scrum Methodology <p><em>In the era of the internet’s exponential growth, readers are often overwhelmed by the plethora of books available, particularly in the genre of light novels. This research aims to address this issue by developing a recommendation system for light novels, utilizing a chatbot interface. The methodology employed follows the Borg and Gall model, with a focus on research, information collection, planning, and development stages. The research stage involved the use of questionnaires to gather data and analyze the parameters to be used in the recommendation system. The development stage was carried out using the Scrum methodology and the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) approach for the chatbot’s functionality. The outcome of this study is a web-based online light novel application and featuring a chatbot conversational recommender system. Through this system, users can access and read light novels online, while also utilizing the chatbot to request novel recommendations. The research findings demonstrate the successful integration of Large Language Model (LLM) technology into the web-based light novel application. The Scrum development approach facilitated efficient system creation, and the RAG-based chatbots are seen as successful in producing recommendations that match user queries based on existing knowledge. Recommendation results are obtained from semantic search and from the ranking vector with the highest score.</em></p> Yefta Christian Mangapul Siahaan Hansvirgo Copyright (c) 2024 Yefta Christian, Mangapul Siahaan, Hansvirgo 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 174 186 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp174-186 Perancangan UI/UX Aplikasi Mobile untuk Pencegah Stunting pada Anak di Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking <p><em>Stunting, a chronic nutritional problem in Indonesia with a prevalence rate of 24.4% among under-fives, is caused by chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections that hinder child growth. Lack of awareness about nutrition and prevention exacerbates the issue. Digital solutions can play a key role in addressing this problem by enabling online health and nutrition monitoring. This research focuses on designing a UI/UX mobile application to aid parents in monitoring and educating about stunting. The Design Thinking approach, involving stages such as Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test, was used to develop the application. The resulting UI/UX design achieved good user experience, with an average System Usability Scale (SUS) score of 75.375, categorizing it as grade B. The application includes educational, early detection, and consultation features to support parents, health workers, and policymakers in combating stunting in Indonesia.</em></p> Hen Hen Lukmana Muhamad Al-Husaini Copyright (c) 2024 Hen Hen Lukmana, Muhamad Al-Husaini 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 187 198 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp187-198 Pengujian Antarmuka, Beban dan Kinerja, serta Keamanan Aplikasi pada Platform Belajar Online Myskill <p><em>Information system testing is a crucial step in software development. With the increasing number of users and the complexity of features on the MySkill platform, testing the information system is very important to ensure quality and usability.&nbsp; This research focuses on interface testing, load and performance testing, and vulnerability testing with a qualitative approach. The flow of research methods is preliminary studies, scenario design, installation, testing, data analysis and conclusions. Interface testing with Selenium IDE tools showed positive results, but there were problems with the bootcamp registration process. Load and performance testing using Apache Jmeter shows that MySkill has a consistent response time, with an average response time of about 2 seconds and a standard deviation of about 1.5 seconds. Vulnerability testing using OWASP ZAP shows that MySkill has 15 alerts with categories of high, medium, low and informative.</em></p> Churun Ain Azkal Azkiya Putri Dwi Mita Sari Nufan Balafif Copyright (c) 2024 Churun Ain Azkal Azkiya, Putri Dwi Mita Sari, Nufan Balafif 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 199 205 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp199-205 Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa dalam Kegiatan UKM di Stikom CKI Menggunakan Algoritma Naive Bayes <p><em>The main problem in increasing the level of student satisfaction in UKM activities at STIKOM CKI is caused by various factors, including the rare frequency of meetings and the multiplication of material without significant development. This dissatisfaction can reduce students' interest in actively participating in UKM activities, which should be a source of positive experiences and skills development. Well-managed SME activities can be an important means of developing soft skills such as leadership, team collaboration and communication skills. However, when these activities are not managed well, the results can be counterproductive, causing frustration and dissatisfaction among students. Based on these problems, an application of the Naive Bayes algorithm will be carried out to determine the satisfaction level of STIKOM CKI students with 80 training data and 6 test data. After calculating, an accuracy rate of 83.33%, recall of 33.33%, and precision are obtained. 100%. Therefore, it is important to manage student satisfaction levels to avoid being counterproductive. One of the appropriate data mining algorithms to solve the case above is to use the Naive Bayes algorithm.</em></p> Ramdani Arvianto Tundo Tundo Eflin Tresia Firly Januarsyah Copyright (c) 2024 Ramdani Arvianto, Tundo Tundo, Eflin Tresia, Firly Januarsyah 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 206 214 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp206-214 Penerapan Data Mining Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori pada Brand Milenials Cafe <p><em>Millennials Café is a cafe that just opened in March 2024, in an effort to stay relevant and competitive in this field, Millennials Café needs to continue to innovate and adjust to customer preferences. One way is to utilize data mining technology. The Apriori algorithm is one of the data mining technologies that can be used. The application of the apriori algorithm to the Milenials Café transaction data aims to find association rules to be able to generate frequencies and relationships between one or more items in the transaction data in the Milenials Café. This research produces 33 association rules that can help the sales strategy at Milenials Café. The following are the association rules with the highest confidence value, namely the Thai Tea menu, Milo Dinasourus, 100% Millennials Pizza, Hezelnut Chocolate, Oreo Cookies and Cream Shake 97%. Millennials Pizza, Fried Potatoes 96%. The 33 rules that already exist can be used as a reference for the owner of Millennials Café to create a sales strategy that can increase cafe revenue. </em></p> Hadi Gunawan Tundo Tundo Devika Azahra Ramadhani Farhan Adriansyah Waloeya Copyright (c) 2024 Hadi Gunawan, Tundo Tundo, Devika Azahra Ramadhani, Farhan Adriansyah Waloeya 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 215 221 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp215-221 Digitalisasi Proses Survei Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia Melalui Pembuatan Aplikasi E-Survey Berbasis Web <p><em>In the era of globalization with rapid technological advancements, government agencies must actively keep up with these developments. Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia (RI) faces challenges in the survey data collection process, which is still conducted manually. This manual method leads to delays in data collection, potential data input errors, risk of data loss, and difficulties in efficient data management. This research aims to design and implement a web-based e-survey application using Laravel technology to assist the Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI in collecting survey data more efficiently and accurately. The application is expected to build a better survey system, enhance operational efficiency, and facilitate analysis and decision-making based on the collected survey data. The development of this application uses the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology, which allows the development team to quickly adapt to changing requirements, improve software quality, and ensure active stakeholder involvement. The results of this research are expected to help the Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI improve data collection efficiency, reduce recording errors, and provide quick access to survey results. Consequently, this agency can optimize their survey data collection processes more effectively</em></p> Fazhli Ridwan Husbi Arief Ichwani Copyright (c) 2024 Fazhli Ridwan Husbi, Arief Ichwani 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 222 233 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp222-233 Implementasi Metode Yolo pada Deteksi Objek Manusia <p><em>Until now, the problem of theft of motorbikes and livestock in North Sumatra is still quite high. Locations for motorbike theft can occur in many places such as schools, homes, parking lots, offices and so on, while for livestock it can occur on pastures and in pens during the day or night and the perpetrators are men. To make this theft a success, various modes are used in varying human positions, from sitting, squatting to standing. To help overcome this, several object detection methods have been developed such as Background Subtraction, Template Matching, Histogram Oriented Gradient (HOG), Deformable Part-based Model (DPM) and Viola Jones (VJ). Of the many methods that have been used, there are still shortcomings, namely in terms of time, accuracy and various human positions. For this reason, research was carried out with the aim of improving the time and level of accuracy in detecting human objects using the YOLO method. The research stages carried out in this research include literature study, collecting data, determining training and test data, creating programs, training, and testing. From the trials carried out, it is known that YOLO can detect humans in various positions with a mAP value of 0.99 and an average detection time of 810.01 ms.</em></p> Herdianto Herdianto Hafni Hafni Darmeli Nasution Syahrul Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2024 Herdianto Herdianto, Hafni Hafni, Darmeli Nasution, Syahrul Ramadhan 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 234 240 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp234-240 Pengembangan Sistem Point of Sale Berbasis Web pada Toko Faafoo Menggunakan Framework Laravel <p><em>The industrialized world has undergone significant changes thanks to technological developments. One example of the utilization of technological advances is in the buying and selling system. In the operation of the Faafoo shop, the seller still uses a manual system in transactions, namely by using a calculator as a payment calculation. The transaction process can be done quickly and accurately to save time and reduce the risk of errors by using a Point of Sale (POS) system. The POS system is built using the Laravel framework and implements Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with customers. POS system development uses the Agile Method which has the advantage of being adaptable and flexible to changing user needs and uses Black Box Testing and Usability Testing with the System Usability Scale (SUS) method for system testing. The results of blackbox testing show that the system is able to meet all the requirements set and function correctly. In addition, the results of the SUS (System Usability Scale) test which obtained a final score of 75.5 showed that the system received an "acceptable" category, further confirming that the system has been designed and runs as expected. These two test results together provide strong support for the view that the system has been well developed and implemented.</em></p> Dimas Ibnu Rahmadhani Maryam Maryam Copyright (c) 2024 Dimas Ibnu Rahmadhani, Maryam Maryam 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 241 249 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp241-249 Klasifikasi Status Gizi Balita Menggunakan Algoritma Support Vector Machine dengan Optimasi Grid Search Cross-Validation <p><em>Toddlers are children aged 0 to 59 months who experience rapid growth and development and require a higher intake of nutrients. This study aims to classify the nutritional status of toddlers using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm with Grid Search optimization. The quality of a toddler's nutrition significantly affects their growth and development, and malnutrition is a major issue in Indonesia. Data were obtained from Posyandu Desa Jagalempeni, comprising a total of 512 toddler data entries. After undergoing pre-processing and feature engineering, the data were classified using SVM. The initial results showed an accuracy of 80%. Following the application of Grid Search optimization with the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel, accuracy increased to 86.17%. These results indicate that Grid Search is effective in optimizing SVM model parameters and improving classification performance.</em></p> Azkiyatun Nadroh Deny Nugroho Triwibowo R. Bagus Bambang Sumantri Copyright (c) 2024 Azkiyatun Nadroh, Deny Nugroho Triwibowo, R. Bagus Bambang Sumantri 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 250 257 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp250-257 Implementasi MYOB Accounting Plus V18 dalam Pengolahan Data Akuntansi pada CV. Tiga Raya Inovasi <p><em>This research aims to determine the implementation of MYOB Accounting as a form of utilizing computerized accounting technology in recording and compiling financial reports for MSMEs. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with observation and interview techniques on CV. Tiga Raya Inovasi as the subject of research. The research results show that MYOB Accounting is able to produce financial reports that can be understood with a more effective and efficient work process for the company. However, several supporting factors are needed, such as awareness and ability of business actors to carry out accounting records using MYOB Accounting.</em></p> Ariesha Fen Copyright (c) 2024 Ariesha Fen 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 258 263 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp258-263 Klasifikasi Berisiko Stunting pada Balita: Perbandingan K-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine <p><em>Stunting in children under five is a significant health problem that impacts child development. This study aims to develop a classification model to predict stunting risk using SVM, KNN, and Naïve Bayes algorithms. Data from the Jatilawang Health Center included 523 under-fives with variables such as age, weight, length, arm circumference, z-score, parental education, and maternal health history. Following the CRISP-DM steps, the data was processed through handling missing data, feature selection, and dividing the data into training and testing sets with a ratio of 80:20. Results showed SVM had the highest accuracy of 90%, followed by KNN 89%, and Naïve Bayes 85%. This research produces a stunting risk prediction model that is implemented in a simple website, supporting early intervention and decision-making in stunting prevention efforts.</em></p> Ramadya Wahyu Dwinanto Arif Setia Sandi A Rian Ardianto Copyright (c) 2024 Ramadya Wahyu Dwinanto, Arif Setia Sandi A, Rian Ardianto 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 264 273 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp264-273 Evaluating The Quality of K-Medoids Clustering on Crime Data in Indonesia <p><em>This study evaluates the quality of K-Medoids clustering applied to criminal incident data in Indonesia from 2000 to 2023. The analysis compares the clustering performance on both original and normalized datasets using various evaluation metrics, including the Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI), Silhouette Score (SS), Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), Adjusted Rand Index (ARI), and Calinski-Harabasz Index (CH). The findings reveal that the original dataset consistently outperforms the normalized dataset across all metrics. The optimal clustering was achieved in the seventh iteration of the original data, with the lowest DBI (0.438), the highest SS (0.683), NMI (0.916), ARI (0.984), and CHI (57.418). In contrast, the normalized data exhibited higher DBI values and, in some cases, negative Silhouette Scores, indicating less distinct clusters. These results suggest that for this dataset, K-Medoids clustering performs more effectively on the original data without normalization, providing more accurate and well-defined clusters of criminal incidents. This insight is crucial for future research and practical applications in crime data analysis, emphasizing the importance of dataset preprocessing in clustering methodologies.</em></p> Sujacka Retno Rozzi Kesuma Dinata Novia Hasdyna Copyright (c) 2024 Sujacka Retno, Rozzi Kesuma Dinata, Novia Hasdyna 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 274 280 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp274-280 Analisis Algoritma J48 Pada Pengambilan Keputusan Pemberian Pinjaman Kepada Calon Nasabah <p><em>This research aims to analyze the stages of decision making for granting loans to prospective customers using the J48 Algorithm. Using the "Loan-Approval-Prediction-Dataset" dataset obtained from Kaggle, this research will build a decision tree model that can provide insight into the key factors that influence the decision. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to financial institutions in increasing accuracy, efficiency and objectivity in the credit evaluation process, as well as helping prospective customers understand the factors that need to be considered to increase their chances of loan approval.</em></p> Agnes Irene Silitonga Lukas Ginting Enjelina Sinaga Elson Zega Samuel Sembiring Yoakim Simamora Copyright (c) 2024 Agnes Irene Silitonga, Lukas Ginting, Enjelina Sinaga, Elson Zega, Samuel Sembiring, Yoakim Simamora 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 281 293 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp281-293 Penerapan Algoritma Sorting dalam Penentuan Pekerja Pada Aplikasi Cari Kerja Oleh dan Untuk Warga Satu Kelurahan Dataran Tinggi Binjai <p><em>The current job search process often involves posting an announcement on paper or a banner on a notice board, or in front of the company’s location. Another common method is through job search applications, such as JobStreet and others. The first method has a drawback because people may not know when the job posting is published. Meanwhile, with the second method, many people hesitate to use these applications as they feel their skills may not be sufficient. To address these issues, an Android or web-based job search application is proposed to facilitate job sharing and job seeking within a nearby area, specifically within a single subdistrict. This application is targeted at individuals with a high school education level or lower, and the jobs shared are typically daily work requiring minimal skills, such as construction work, electrical repairs, gardening, cleaning, and similar tasks. A sorting algorithm will be implemented to help select the nearest and most suitable candidate for each job. To access the application, users must first register, enabling employers to post jobs and workers to find suitable positions.</em></p> Manutur Pandapotan Siregar Abwabul Jinan Akbar Idaman Prince Peter S. Siagian Copyright (c) 2024 Manutur Pandapotan Siregar, Abwabul Jinan, Akbar Idaman Prince Peter S. Siagian 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 294 300 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp294-300 Sistem Pendeteksi Tingkat Kesegaran Daging Ayam pada Citra Menggunakan Metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Berbasis Android <p><em>This research develops a chicken meat freshness detection system based on image processing, implemented on an Android platform using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method optimized with TensorFlow Lite. The system classifies chicken meat into three categories: fresh, less fresh, and rotten. The CNN model uses 32 filters to enhance feature extraction from the meat images. Testing on 30 samples, with each category tested 10 times, showed an accuracy of 90%, with 27 correct detections and 3 errors in the less fresh category. While the system effectively identifies fresh and rotten categories, there is a challenge in distinguishing the less fresh category due to its ambiguous visual characteristics. One limitation is the lack of a bounding box, causing the application to still provide detection results even when the scanned object is not chicken meat. This application is specifically designed to detect chicken meat pieces, so it is not recommended for use outside this context.</em></p> Rayhan Naturizal Wahyu Fuadi Lidya Rosnita Copyright (c) 2024 Rayhan Naturizal, Wahyu Fuadi, Lidya Rosnita 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 8 2 301 312 10.46880/jmika.Vol8No2.pp301-312