METHOLANGUE: Language Teaching and Literature, Linguistics and Literature 2025-02-04T10:28:12+07:00 Vivi Novalia Sitinjak Open Journal Systems <p>Metholangue diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Sastra Universitas Methodist Indonesia dan dikelola oleh Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris sebagai media untuk mempublikasikan karya penelitian dosen, mahasiswa, dan peneliti di bidang Pendidikan bahasa Inggris, Linguistik, dan Sastra. Metholangue terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan April dan November</p> COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES USED BY JOE BIDEN 2025-02-03T16:03:10+07:00 Jenny Tanoto Vivi Novalia Sitinjak Harkiman Racheman David` Chandra <p>Communication strategies are often used in speeches, conversations, and any other types of interactions done daily in any situation. There are seven strategies, according to Coates (2015): minimal responses, hedges, tag questions, questions, commands and directives, swearing and taboo languages, and compliments. Nevertheless, men’s strategies differ from women. The aim of this study is to examine and explore the communication strategies used by Joe Biden, the 46<sup>th</sup> president of the United States. The source of data is taken from YouTube, titled "Remarks by President Biden on the August Jobs Report” as Data 1 and “Remarks by President Biden on the Terrorist Attacks in Israel” as Data 2. This research uses qualitative descriptive method to show the evidence of the research. There are several strategies used in the speeches, which illuminate the ways language reflects and perpetuates gender norms and power structures. The analysis of the speaker's communication techniques provides valuable insights, where assertion of control and resonation with society and its broader trends is achieved in a single speech of Biden. Lastly, authors suggest further research on the communication strategies by females, in order to provide further insights on communication strategies and its usage.</p> 2024-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jenny Tanoto, Vivi Novalia Sitinjak, Harkiman Racheman, David` Chandra DERIVATIONAL AFFIXES IN J.K. ROWLING’S NOVEL HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS 2024-09-07T12:15:03+07:00 Devi Tania Panjaitan <p><em>In this study, the focus is on analyzing the derivational affixes found in J.K. Rowling's novel Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. The main goal is to identify the types of derivational affixes present in the novel. &nbsp;Therefore, this study applies Lieber’s (2009) theory regarding of types of derivational affixes.&nbsp;The study was carried out using a qualitative research method, with the data comprising words containing derivational affixes from the novel. The findings show that there are 296 data of derivational affixes which are divided into 3 types of derivational affixes, which are prefixes, suffixes, and circumfixes. Specifically, there are 25 data of prefixes; un­- (12 data), dis- (4 data), re- (3 data), in- (2 data), im- (3 data), and ir- (1 data). There are 264 data suffixes which consist of -ment (16 data), -ly (131 data), -er (8 data), -less (14 data), -al (6 data), -ous (7 data), -ful (12 data), -ce (6 data), -ion (28 data), -ness (10 data), -se (1 data), -able (8 data), -ance (6 data), -ish (8 data), -ive (3 data). Additionally, there are 7 data of circumfixes which consist of un-al (1 data), un-able (2 data), un-ly (1 data), un-ant (1 data), en-ment (1 data), and dis-ment (1 data).</em></p> 2025-02-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Devi Tania Panjaitan Sentence SENTENCE TYPES AND SENTENCE STRUCTURE IN BRAD BIRD’ THE INCREDIBLE. 2025-02-04T10:28:12+07:00 Ezra Simamora Nurlaidy Joice Simamora Karana Jaya Tarigan <p>This study particularly adopt from Syntactic structure. Syntactic structure is pointed to reveal some unit sentence: to reveal the hierarchy in the ordering of element, to explain how surface ambiguities come out, and to demonstrate the relatedness of certain sentence (Chomsky, 1957). The main purpose of this study attempts to analyze of movie script in selected scene used by clause structure and phrase structure. It is appear in the structure or element of the text under the phrase structure or clause structure. Syntactic English sentence structure is a system of the clause and phrase. Whereas, English sentence indicate that has a rule to short or expand its sentence. The structure of English sentence can be seen from the elements of each sentence (Berry, 1977 &amp; Halliday, 2002). This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The finding of this study concern sentence types has been calculated.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ezra Simamora, Nurlaidy Joice Simamora, Karana Jaya Tarigan I IMPLICATURE’S FOUND IN HATE SPEECH TIKTOK® SOCIAL MEDIA 2024-08-30T12:27:33+07:00 Afni Sigalingging <p>The objectives of this research are to identify the types of implicature’s contained in hate speech in the TikTok® social media comment section. The research method used by researcher in this study is a qualitative approach using a descriptive type. As a result of this research, the author concludes that there are two types of implicature, including 1) conversational implicature and 2) conventional implicature.</p> 2024-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Afni Sigalingging SLANG WORDS IN MADISON BEER 'S SELECTED SONG LYRICS 2024-11-06T13:58:04+07:00 regina napitupulu Nurlaidy Joice Simamora Vivi Novalia Sitinjak <p>Slang is a type of language that is characterized by it’s informal, unconventional, and often creative use of words and expression. The aim of this study is to find out the types of slang words and types of meaning of slang words in Madison Beer’s selected song lyrics. There are two statement problem. (1) What types of slang words are found in Madison Beer’s selected song lyrics. (2) What are the meaning of slang words used in Madison Beer’s selected song lyrics. The writer used theories from Yule (2006:52-59) and Leech (1981:9). The writer used descriptive qualitative research. The data were found by analyze and identifying the songs. There are three types of slang in Madison Beer’s selected song lyrics namely: blending (15 data), clipping (10 data) and coinage (2 data). The writer also found six types of meaning in Madison Beer’s selected song lyrics, namely: conceptual meaning (7 data), connotative meaning (6 data), social meaning (2 data), affective meaning (2 data), reflected meaning (2 data) and collocative meaning (1 data).</p> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong><em>Slang, Types of Slang, Kinds of Meaning, Madison Beer</em></p> 2024-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 regina napitupulu, Nurlaidy Joice Simamora, Vivi Novalia Sitinjak, S.S., M.Hum.