Sentence, Structure, Syntax , The Incredible


  • Ezra Simamora Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Nurlaidy Joice Simamora Fakultas Sastra
  • Karana Jaya Tarigan Universitas Methodist Indonesia


This study particularly adopt from Syntactic structure. Syntactic structure is pointed to reveal some unit sentence: to reveal the hierarchy in the ordering of element, to explain how surface ambiguities come out, and to demonstrate the relatedness of certain sentence (Chomsky, 1957). The main purpose of this study attempts to analyze of movie script in selected scene used by clause structure and phrase structure. It is appear in the structure or element of the text under the phrase structure or clause structure. Syntactic English sentence structure is a system of the clause and phrase. Whereas, English sentence indicate that has a rule to short or expand its sentence. The structure of English sentence can be seen from the elements of each sentence (Berry, 1977 & Halliday, 2002). This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The finding of this study concern sentence types has been calculated.

Author Biography

Nurlaidy Joice Simamora, Fakultas Sastra


SIMAMORA NATALINDAH, EZRA., Nurlaidy Joice Simamora, Karana Jaya Tarigan.  SENTENCE TYPES AND SENTENCE STRUCTURE IN BRAD BIRD’ THE INCREDIBLE. Department of English Language and Literature, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Methodist Indonesia. 2024. Medan.



This study particularly adopt from Syntactic structure. Syntactic structure is pointed to reveal some unit sentence: to reveal the hierarchy in the ordering of element, to explain how surface ambiguities come out, and to demonstrate the relatedness of certain sentence (Chomsky, 1957). The main purpose of this study attempts to analyze of movie script in selected scene used by clause structure and phrase structure. It is appear in the structure or element of the text under the phrase structure or clause structure. Syntactic English sentence structure is a system of the clause and phrase. Whereas, English sentence indicate that has a rule to short or expand its sentence. The structure of English sentence can be seen from the elements of each sentence (Berry, 1977 & Halliday, 2002). This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The finding of this study concern sentence types has been calculated.

Keywords : Sentence, Structure, Syntax , The Incredible






Syntax is the study of the principles and processes by which sentence that it is constructed in particular language. Regarding this, one of the particular languages is structure. Whereas that every language in the world certainly has different structure. Indeed, the language structure consider as the identity from each language. In this case, the researcher conducted the research in language structure that is language structure in English. Thus, the researcher focused on English sentence structure, specifically sentence structure in movie script of The Incredible.

Grammar is a power of language. Thus, grammar is concerned with how sentences and utterance are formed (Carter & McCharthy, 2006:2). According to their theories there are two basic principles of grammar, such as: syntax and morphology. Therefore, there is one term that include in syntax and morphology that is structure. It is the basic element in those courses. In introducing functional grammar, the term “structure” refers to the patterns of grammar that found in any language and each structure consists of elements. (Berry, 1977:4).

 In morphology, the existence of sentence structure perhaps as tool to measure the sentence. It means that the sentence is grammatical or ungrammatical. In English and in every language, every sentence is a sequence of words. In other side, not every sequence of words is a sentence. Generally, sentence is known group of words that express a complete statement, idea or thought. It is the basic unit of spoken and written because it is the entity in communication. Furthermore, Rozakis (2003:116), to be a sentence, there are main three characteristics in group of words such as: subject, predicate and complete idea. Basically, the structure of English sentence appears in the element of its sentence.

Sentence structure is part of grammar, where the sentence structure itself comes from the grammatical arrangement of words. Thus, sentence structure is the grammatical arrangement of words (Farlex, 2009). But, to know sentence structure more deeply, we can see in syntax. Because in syntax the explanation of sentence structure more detail also it is appeared that syntax and sentence structure often consider are equated. In linguistics, the term of “syntax” consists from (Ancient Greek syn-, “together”, and taxis, “arrangement”).

It is considered as the basic and rules for constructing sentence in natural language. In other words, syntax consider as one of the terms which used to direct in discipline study. Because it is referring directly to the basic and rules that determine sentence structure of any own language. Thus, we conclude that syntax is very useful for us because syntax itself is enact human being to compose complete message.



2.1 The Basic Structure of English Sentence

  1. Noun

Noun usually indicates that a noun associated with the ability to inflect, e.g. grape-grapes; peach- peaches, knife-knives

  1. Verb

Verb indicates that verbs may be said to express process which can be classified in one of three broad ways, example: an actions; walk, work, seen, like.

  1. Adjective

Adjective indicate that thought of in traditional grammar as a describing word also has a role of ascribing an attribute and feature to a noun, examples: young, bad, dark, hot.

  1. Adverb

Adverb indicates that it can be modified for comparison or degree, e.g: tunefully, more tunefully. In traditional grammar, adverbs indicate that it seen as performing by modifying role in relation to verbs. This role is associated with circumstantial adverbs, which are single words. The circumstances involve: how- when, where, why. Then, verbal process e.g. she sings beautifully. In the fact, the circumstantial adverbs is take on what be thought of as the’ adjectival role’ which is modifying nouns within the nominal phrase, nouns e.g. the match tomorrow. etc.

  1. Preposition

Preposition indicate that it have a feature of being accompanied. Whereas, normally preposition usually followed by completive element allocated in the form of a single or multiple word, clause and phrase. In this case, there are two examples of preposition in phrase and clause such below: 1. Phrase: In bed, from Mary, on time, etc., 2. Clause: from what I heard, etc. Sometimes the preposition separated from completive element placed at the end of the clause e.g. Which garage do you go to?

  1. Conjunction

Traditionally, conjunction indicates that as grammatical connectors. Indeed, it is classified into two subtypes: coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunction often called coordinators or linkers, link units of equal grammatical status, and other. While, subordinating conjunction often called by subordinators or binders, introduce subordinate clause. Coordinating conjunction is known by logical connective function such as: both, either, and neither. The following examples of conjunction in clause and phrase are below: 1) Clause: He thinks that John is ill and that Audrey is away. 2) Phrase: He is either very clever or very lucky.

  1. Interjection

Interjection are typically illustrate those words which are used to express something, specifically used to express the speaker’s exclamation and emotional reaction, but it is not used for lexical content. Indeed, it is include words like: ouch, oh, wow, etc.

  1. Article

Article considered as the definite and indefinite articles respectively such the word are “the” and “a/an”, e.g. the little, a video. Basically, the function of article used to mark specificity, universality or generalization of reference to the entity include noun, e.g. the little has been agreed.

  1. Pronoun

Pronoun used as to be thought of as a word class. Whereas, it is may be substituted in place of a noun. Furthermore, pronoun is normally applies only where a noun is the sole element in nominal phrase, e.g. Cars are very expensive.


2.2 Sentence Type

Traditionally, there is one scheme for classifying English sentence involve by number and type of finite clauses. The four types sentence such as: simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, compound complex sentence. Regarding this, Rozakis (2003) says that there are four basic types of sentences: simple, compound, complex compound- complex sentence. The following explanations of sentence type are:

2.3 Simple Sentence as found in Brad Bird’ The Incredible

Simple sentence known as fundamental of English language sentence, because its sentences indicate that has only one idea and the contained of its sentence has one independent clause or main clause. The simple sentence differs from other sentence types because its clause can stand alone not depending on other clauses of the sentence. Regarding this, Rozakis (2003) says that simple sentence has one subject and one verb, and its sentence can be compound. Besides, its sentence can have adjectives and adverb.

For Example: The snow   melted   quickly  in  the  bright  sunshine.

                         Subject      Verb

Moreover, Marjolijn & Sauter, K (2000:35) perceives that a simple sentence consists of one main clause only, and this does not mean that its sentence may be short sentence.

2.4 Compound Sentence as found in Brad Bird’ The Incredible

Compound sentence Compound sentence is a sentence has two or more independent clause. Regarding this, Rozakis (2003) says that compound sentence has two or more independent clauses. The independent clauses can be joined in one of two ways, the ways are:

  1. With a coordinating conjunction: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
  2. With semicolon (;).

For Example: She’s playing hockeyand then she’s going to the theatre.

                             Main clause                     Subordinate Clause


I’ve tried all daybut I still can’t get through.

    Main clause            Subordinate clause

2.5 Complex Sentence as found in Brad Bird’ The Incredible

Complex sentence indicate that has one independent clause also one or more dependent clause. The clause of this sentence types does not have equal importance. Whereas,  the independent clause contains the most important idea. Although, the dependent clause as adds the extra information. Regarding this, “Complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause, and use the subordinating conjunction to link ideas involve such word like: because, as, as if, unless, provided that, if, even if.” (Rozakis, 2003:19).

For Example:

Whales cannot breathe under water   because they have lungs instead of gills

                  Main Clause                                    Subordinate Clause


It was no secret   that he was lazy

   Main clause   Subordinate Clause


Generally, the dependent clause here can be joined by using subordinating conjunction and relative pronoun. The common subordinating conjunctions are: after, (al) though, as, because, before, if, one, since, unless, until, when, while.

2.6 Compound - Complex Sentence as found in Brad Bird’ The Incredible

The compound-complex sentence has two or more independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

For Example: When the drought comes, the reservoirs dry up and resident know that water restriction will be in effect.

Subordinate clause     = When the drought comes

Main clause                = The reservoirs dry up and

Main clause                = Resident know that water restriction will be in effect

2.7 Data

In this case, the document is The Incredible’ movie script selected in 12 scenes from the total number 30 scene. Regarding this, Donald Ary et al (2010:466) stated that the primary sources are original documents (film, relies, remains, or artifacts). Besides, this research focused in the dialogue of the script. The data takes from,

( 9 : 53 )          “ I love you Mr. Incredible but if we want to be success we should

                                   Main Clause                                         Subordinate  Clause


  more than this Mr. Incredible, you know that ? ”

            Subordinate Clause


( 20:07 )          “ Alright good night, Helen.    Good night   kids

                                       Adv. Time   Noun       Adv. Time       N


( 32:05 )          “ My name is Mirage, according to the Government we are nothing

                                                                        Main Clause

  please pay attention because this message is secret and not being

                                                                        Subordinate Clause

  reply again

( 1:06:20 )       “ Talk about superhero success, and I will get spirit to hear that and

                                    Main Clause

   I want to brake the situation does Mr. Incredible ask me to help

                                                Subordinate Clause



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the finding and data analysis, it can be concluded Sentence structure is part of grammar, where the sentence structure itself comes from the grammatical arrangement of words. Thus, sentence structure is the grammatical arrangement of words (Farlex, 2009). In this research, the researcher investigated English sentence structure in Brad Bird’ The Incredible that describe involve sentence types and represent the sentences. The using of transformational grammar in this research dominant seen in the example of the syntax.


5.2 Suggestion

The result of this research follows some suggestions. First, the using of syntax should more be explore related to the topic about syntactic sentence in Incredibles movie. Second, another researcher can conduct the research related to transformational grammar in writing or in spoken form. In writing form, they can analyze novel, daily news, magazine, etc. In spoken, they can make more complete sentences. Third, The student university who learn syntax in society especially or even can implement this stimulus material in learning process because the using of stimulus in learning English is very useable to enrich the motivation of the student, so the learning process ongoing maximally. The student also will be easiest to study English by some of words that they are usually in their daily communication by using syntax.



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