METHODIKA: Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Darwis Robinson Manalu Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JURNAL METHODIKA</strong> diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Teknik Informatika dan Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Methodist Indonesia Medan sebagai media untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan pemikiran kalangan Akademisi, Peneliti dan Praktisi bidang Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan artikel yang berhubungan dengan bidang ilmu komputer, teknik informatika dan sistem informasi. </p> <p>Terakreditasi <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>SINTA 5</strong></a> berdasarkan SK Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi <strong>No. 204/E/KPT/2022</strong></p> PENGUJIAN USABILITY WEBSITE DOKUMENTASI MENGGUNAKAN SYSTEM USABILITY SCALE (SUS) 2024-06-27T13:59:43+07:00 Fathiyah Nopriani Maulana Asykari Muhammad <p><strong>Documentation websites are a means for programmers to find solutions to the problems they face. Documentation websites that generally provide detailed information regarding how to use a particular framework. The documentation website used in this research is the documentation website from Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that has a utility-based component principle. With these principles, the website development process will be shorter, more flexible, responsive, and use code more efficiently. However, the convenience provided forces writing CSS code to be inline-CSS. This results in confusion arising from website programmers regarding CSS terms that are changed by Tailwind CSS. The Tailwind CSS website, which provides information related to the Tailwind CSS framework documentation, is in practice less intuitive, making it difficult for novice programmers to find solutions to the problems they face. This research aims to determine the usability of the Tailwind CSS website, from a student's perspective. The method used in this journal is SUS which is carried out by asking 10 questions related to the Tailwind CSS website to 30 respondents consisting of 87% men and 13% women. The selected respondents were students majoring in technology who used the documentation website from Tailwind CSS. The results of this research found that the Tailwind CSS website received a score of 70 on the SUS and could be categorized as Grade C or Fair.</strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fathiyah Nopriani, Maulana Asykari Muhammad RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN JASA PENITIPAN BAGASI DI BANDARA PADA LOCKER AIRPORT INDONESIA 2024-07-20T15:57:34+07:00 I Nyoman Yudi Anggara Wijaya Anak Agung Gede Adi Mega Putra Vira Adhi Kamajaya <p><em>In the aviation industry, baggage storage or locker services at airports are crucial aspects that require efficient and coordinated management. Locker Airport Indonesia handles an average of 30 baggage storage transactions daily. However, the main issue faced by Locker Airport Indonesia is the lack of an informative online system to manage detailed records of stored baggage and the accumulation of unorganized paper reports. The complex manual administration process takes approximately 15 minutes to complete one baggage storage transaction. This study involves the design and development of a web-based baggage storage sales information system at Locker Airport Indonesia using the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method with the Waterfall model. This structured approach begins with a needs analysis, followed by implementation and testing. The system evaluation was conducted using the EUCS (End User Computing Satisfaction) method, which measures five key dimensions: Content, Accuracy, Format, Ease of Use, and Timeliness. The Likert scale evaluation results show that user satisfaction levels fall into the "Satisfied" category in all dimensions, with an average score of 4, indicating high satisfaction in each dimension. Thus, the development of this web-based information system has successfully provided numerous benefits and met user expectations.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Nyoman Yudi Anggara Wijaya, Anak Agung Gede Adi Mega Putra, Vira Adhi Kamajaya KLASTERISASI GIZI BURUK DAN STUNTING DI PROVINSI SUMATERA UTARA MENGGUNAKAN K-MEANS CLUSTERING 2024-08-06T16:36:02+07:00 Agnes Irene Silitonga Zada Annuri Nabila Cinta Rizkia Zahra Lubis Nurdina Safitri Haryadi <p><strong>The objective of this study is to map the priority areas for addressing malnutrition and stunting in the province of North Sumatra. The data used consists of malnourished children and the prevalence of stunting in the North Sumatra Province in 2023, which will be analyzed using K-Means Clustering. Based on the analysis results, the priority for addressing malnutrition in North Sumatra Province is in cluster 2, namely Batu Bara Regency and Medan City, with a centroid value of 63. Meanwhile, the priority for addressing stunting has been identified in cluster 0, which includes Karo Regency, Pakpak Bharat, Batu Bara, West Nias, and Padangsidempuan City, with a centroid value of 17.46. This research is expected to provide valuable information for stakeholders in formulating targeted policies and programs to address malnutrition and stunting in North Sumatra.</strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Agnes Irene Silitonga, Zada Annuri Nabila, Cinta Rizkia Zahra Lubis, Nurdina Safitri, Haryadi KLASIFIKASI KUALITAS UDARA MENGGUNAKAN METODE EXTREME LEARNING MACHINE (ELM) 2024-08-24T09:48:27+07:00 Rachma Raudhatul Jannah Muhammad Zulfikar Sholahuddin Dina Zatusiva Haq Dian C Rini Novitasari <p><strong>Air quality is a critical factor affecting both ecological and human well-being. Air pollution is a global epidemic that poses a threat to human health and the environment. High population density resulting from industrial expansion and the increased number of motor vehicles are two primary causes of declining air quality in metropolitan areas. Air pollutants include surface ozone (O3), dust particles (PM 10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). Researchers have begun exploring the use of Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) to classify air quality. The ELM method assesses air quality as either very good or poor. In this study, we compare datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of hidden node parameters using the split method. Our tests indicate that the split method impacts accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. The ideal model with a 70:30 split ratio and 15 hidden nodes achieved a 90% success rate. </strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rachma Raudhatul Jannah, Muhammad Zulfikar Sholahuddin, Dina Zatusiva Haq, Dian C Rini Novitasari PENGEMBANGAN GAME ARCADE 2D “FRUIT DASH” MENGGUNAKAN JAVASCRIPT PADA GAME ENGINE CONSTRUCT 3 2024-08-05T13:29:21+07:00 Endin Rahmanda Putri Pratama Wirya Atmaja <p><strong>This research aims to develop a digital arcade game designed to train players' motor skills. The developed game, Fruit Dash, focuses on quick visual and motor responses. The game is built using the Construct 3 platform with JavaScript programming language. Fruit Dash features simple yet challenging gameplay, where players must throw bombs to destroy fruits falling from the air, with the primary goal of achieving the highest score. The development method used is the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC), which includes the concept, production, and beta testing stages. Beta testing is conducted using a Likert scale to assess user experience, with results indicating high satisfaction in the aspects of visual design, controls, and game innovation. Overall, Fruit Dash can serve as a means to train motor skills through responsive gameplay</strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Endin Rahmanda Putri, Pratama Wirya Atmaja PENERAPAN METODE REGRESI DALAM ANALISIS TINGKAT KONSUMSI IKAN DI JAWA TIMUR 2024-06-27T13:55:15+07:00 Hikmal AKBAR fitransyah Mahathir Muhamad Ashari Naufal Rahaditya Aryadi Willdan Aprizal Arifin <p><strong>The Indonesian marine ecosystem, rich in water resources, makes the fishing sector important for the economy, food, and jobs. East Java, with the highest catch production in Indonesia, has huge potential in the fishing sector. Despite its high potential, fish consumption in Indonesia is still relatively low due to lack of awareness, unoptimal distribution, and other factors. The study aims to analyze the level of fish consumption in Eastern Java and determine the best regression method to predict the rate of fish intake based on the region and the types of available commodities. This study uses three regression methods, namely Linear Regression, Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Gradient Boosting Machine. (GBM). Data visualization is done using bar diagrams, and results are validated using the determination coefficient R2 which is then analyzed descriptively. The Sumenep region has the highest level of fish consumption in East Java during the period 2018-2020. Whereas the commodities with the highest consumption are Tuna, Tongkol, Cakalang (TTC) Diawetkan. The GBM method showed its best performance and proved to be the most effective and accurate in predicting the level of fish consumption in East Java with a perfect determination coefficient (0,9999), compared to Linear Regression (0,8755) and SVR (0,9825).</strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hikmal AKBAR fitransyah, Mahathir Muhamad Ashari, Naufal Rahaditya Aryadi, Willdan Aprizal Arifin PENERAPAN ALGORITMA YOLO UNTUK MENDETEKSI KUALITAS TELUR AYAM BERDASARKAN WARNA CANGKANG 2024-07-16T11:13:18+07:00 Sri Ayu Ningsih Resti Ajeng Sutiani Ni Made Sri Ulandari Rizal Adi Saputra <p>In the poultry industry, chicken egg quality is a crucial factor influencing the price and market appeal of the product. Manual assessment of egg quality based on shell color requires significant time and labor and is prone to human error. Therefore, the implementation of automation technology through artificial intelligence (AI) is necessary to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of this process. The YOLO (You Only Look Once) algorithm is a fast and accurate object detection method that can be applied to classify chicken eggs based on shell color. This research aims to develop an automatic detection system using YOLO to identify and categorize the quality of chicken eggs based on shell color. Images of chicken eggs were collected and annotated to train the YOLO model. After training, the model was tested on a new dataset to evaluate its detection and classification performance. The results of the study indicate that the YOLO algorithm can detect and classify chicken eggs with high accuracy, reducing the need for manual labor and speeding up the quality assessment process. The implementation of this system is expected to improve operational efficiency in the poultry industry, ensure consistent product quality, and provide an innovative solution to the challenges in chicken egg quality assessment.</p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Ayu Ningsih, Resti Ajeng Sutiani, Ni Made Sri Ulandari, Rizal Adi Saputra SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN DALAM PENENTUAN RUTE DAN KAPASITAS MUATAN DISTRIBUSI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE SAVING MATRIX DAN NEAREST NEIGHBOAR PADA CV BINTANG BERKAH CIREBON 2024-08-31T15:14:57+07:00 Nico Firmansyah . Lena Magdalena Mesi Febima <p><strong>This research creates and designs a Decision Support System (SPK) for CV Bintang Berkah by combining the Saving Matrix and Nearest Neighbor methods to optimize the route and capacity of the distribution load. CV Bintang Berkah faces challenges in managing distribution costs and load capacity, which affects operational efficiency. The Saving Matrix method helps in determining distribution routes with distance and cost savings, while the Nearest Neighbor method optimizes the order of visits based on the closest distance. The implementation of this system is expected to reduce transportation costs, increase distribution efficiency, and improve service quality. This system uses PHP and MySQL, focusing on the Cirebon City and Regency areas. The results show that applying this method significantly reduces the distance and cost of distribution and increases efficiency in the distribution process. With this system, CV Bintang Berkah is expected to overcome distribution challenges better, save costs, and increase the company's profitability.</strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nico Firmansyah ., Lena Magdalena, Mesi Febima MODEL HOT (HUMAN, ORGANIZATION, TECHNOLOGY) FIT UNTUK EVALUASI PENERAPAN APLIKASI SIPANDAI UNTUK PENGGUNA DOSEN (STUDI KASUS : UNIVERSITAS CATUR INSAN CENDEKIA KOTA CIREBON) 2024-08-31T15:11:02+07:00 Silviana Devi Marsani Asfi Mesi Febima <p>Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia telah menerapkan <em>e-learning</em> melalui Sistem Informasi Pembelajaran dan Administrasi Terintegrasi (SIPANDAI). Namun, terdapat beberapa permasalahan dalam aplikasi SIPANDAI yaitu adanya perbedaan penguasaan komputer dan kurangnya <em>feedback </em>dalam sosialisasi<em>, </em>kurang sistematis saat terjadi kesalahan data dan perlu adanya pengembangan beberapa fitur seperti pada fitur kelola pertemuan, fitur <em>generate </em>absen dan fitur <em>cancel</em>. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi aplikasi SIPANDAI untuk menilai sejauh mana kelayakan dan kesuksesan penerapan aplikasi SIPANDAI di Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Model HOT (<em>Human, Organization,</em><em> T</em><em>echnolog</em><em>y) </em>FIT. Model ini melibatkan 3 aspek utama yaitu <em>Human, Organization, T</em><em>echnology</em> yang memiliki beberapa variabel seperti Pengguna Sistem, Kepuasan Pengguna, Stuktur Organisasi, Lingkungan Oragnisasi, Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, Kualitas Layanan dan Manfat Bersih. Hasil penelitian ini, variabel yang berpengaruh kuat pada keberhasilan penerapan aplikasi SIPANDAI adalah variabel Kualitas Informasi terhadap Pengguna Sistem dengan nilai 0,743. Dan variabel yang berpengaruh lemah adalah variabel Struktur Organisasi terhadap Manfaat Bersih dengan nilai 0,421. Oleh karena itu, diperoleh rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan ke bagian pusdatin untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan pada fitur aplikasi SIPANDAI.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci : </strong>&nbsp;<em>E-Learning</em>, UCIC, Model HOT Fit, Evaluasi, SIPANDAI</p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Silviana Devi, Marsani Asfi, Mesi Febima ANALISIS TATA KELOLA PADA SISTEM INFORMASI LELANG MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK COBIT 2019 MENGACU PADA DOMAIN EDM05 DAN BAI09 (STUDI KASUS : KANTOR PELAYANAN KEKAYAAN NEGARA DAN LELANG CIREBON) 2024-08-29T14:01:06+07:00 Sity Salimah Muhammad Hatta Willy Eka Septian <p>Online auction website is one form of utilization of information technology provided by auction platforms in Indonesia to facilitate the auction process digitally, including the management of asset data, bids, and transactions. Management of auction information systems that are not managed properly can have an impact on the low quality of service, which in turn can affect the level of trust of users and stakeholders in the platform. Therefore, an Analysis of Information Technology Governance in the Auction Information System Using the <em>COBIT 2019 Framework</em> is needed to ensure that IT management is carried out effectively and efficiently in accordance with established standards. The purpose of this study is to improve the auction website system. This study uses a descriptive approach method. This study involved 86 participants. <em>COBIT 2019</em> was chosen as the reference model in evaluating IT governance. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire.</p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sity Salimah, Muhammad Hatta, Willy Eka Septian PERANCANGAN PENERIMAAN PESERTA DIDIK BARU BERBASIS WEBSITE MENGGUNAKAN METODE AGILE (STUDI KASUS : SMK KARTIKA XIX-3 KOTA CIREBON) 2024-09-02T13:39:26+07:00 Tri Mulia Sari Muhammad Hatta Chairun Nas <p><strong>This study aims to design a website-based new student admissions information system using the Agile method at SMK Kartika XIX-3 Cirebon City. The current information system still uses a manual method that requires significant time and effort and has the potential to cause errors in the administration process. Therefore, a more efficient system is needed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the new student admissions process. The Agile method was chosen because of its iterative and flexible approach, allowing adaptation to changing needs during the development process. The design process involves several stages, namely planning, gathering needs, system design, implementation, and testing. This information system is designed to facilitate the registration of new students, provide features for prospective student data management, and facilitate communication between schools and prospective students. The results of this study are a website-based information system that can be accessed online, facilitating the registration process and management of new student data. The system trial showed that this application meets user needs with a user-friendly interface and features that are in accordance with the initial specifications. With this system, it is expected that the process of accepting new students at SMK Kartika XIX-3 Cirebon City will be more effective, efficient, and transparent.</strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Mulia Sari, Muhammad Hatta, Chairun Nas SISTEM INFORMASI FORECASTING DATA PENJUALAN KENDARAAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE SINGLE EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING (STUDI KASUS: PT. SENDANG SUMBER ARUM VIAR MOTOR CIREBON) 2024-09-02T13:25:17+07:00 Lina Lestari Lena Magdalena Mesi Febima <p><strong>Limited Liability Companies (PT) are found in almost all regions in Indonesia, one of which is PT. </strong><strong> </strong><strong>Sendang Sumber Arum 'VIAR Motor which provides sales of Karya 3-wheeled motorcycle units, e-motorcycles, razors, Cross Adventure, vintech, and e-bikes. E-bikes are the best-selling vehicles for each period, especially the UNO3 type. The problem faced by this company is the imbalance in sales figures which causes damage to the e-bike batteries that are sold over a long period of time and requires forecasting. The Single Exponential Smoothing method is the right forecasting method used to predict demand for goods that change very quickly, which aims to determine the estimated availability of vehicle units that must be held in the future, based on previous sales data. In determining the error value in forecasting, the author uses the Mean Square Error (MSE) which is based on the alpha value. This forecasting is implemented into an information system that produces a forecast for the UNO3 type e-bike with the smallest Mean Square Error (MSE) value obtained with an alpha of 0.3, namely with a value of 167.294. This proves the best forecast for predicting the quantity of UNO3-type e-bike stock units at PT. Sendang Sumber Arum ‘VIAR Motor’ Cirebon for the period of June 2024 using alpha 0.3. So the forecast value of UNO3 type e-bike unit sales for June 2024 in the 11-month forecast period with alpha 0.3 is 24.89 or around 25 units with actual data.</strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lina Lestari, Lena Magdalena, Mesi Febima PERENCANAAN STRATEGIS SISTEM INFORMASI MENGGUNAKAN METODE WARD AND PEPPARD DI STAI ATTANWIR 2024-05-06T20:36:21+07:00 Vina Makhabbatillah <p>This research focuses on strategic planning of information systems (IS) at STAI Attanwir by applying the Ward and Peppard method. The main objective of this research is to increase the effectiveness of data management, management efficiency, and organizational competitiveness through an IS strategy that is integrated with business objectives. Through SWOT, PEST and Porter's Five Forces analysis, this research identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by STAI Attanwir in the context of the internal and external business environment. The results of this analysis are used to develop an IS/IT strategy that includes application portfolio development, information architecture and comprehensive IT management. In addition, this research emphasizes the importance of strong technological infrastructure and information security in supporting institutional operations. By implementing the right IS/IT strategy, it is hoped that STAI Attanwir can increase its efficiency, transparency and competitiveness through the effective and relevant use of information technology</p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 vina makhabbatillah PREDIKSI KURS MATA UANG RIYAL KE RUPIAH MENGGUNAKAN METODE SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION (SVR) 2024-09-04T13:07:21+07:00 Andika Wahyudi Wahyudi Setiawan Yudha Dwi Putra Negara <p><strong>Currency exchange rates have an important role in a country's development and economy, especially in international trade and investment. Currency exchange rate fluctuations can have a significant impact on various aspects of the economy. One example is the Rupiah exchange rate against the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR), which is important for many Indonesian citizens who undertake the Hajj and Umrah. Currency exchange rate prediction is a complex task because it is influenced by various economic, political, and social factors. Therefore, a method is needed that is able to accommodate the complexity and dynamics of the data. One potential method for predicting currency exchange rates is Support Vector Regression (SVR). SVR is a machine learning method that has demonstrated good performance in various prediction applications due to its ability to handle non-linear data and capture complex patterns in data. This research aims to apply the SVR method to predict the Riyal currency exchange rate against the Rupiah. Prediction accuracy will be measured using Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). This research is expected to contribute in providing an accurate and efficient tool for predicting the Riyal exchange rate against the Rupiah, providing insight into the application of SVR in currency exchange prediction, and providing practical guidance in implementing the SVR method for the purpose of predicting currency exchange rates. Based on 120 test analyses using the Support Vector Regression (SVR) method using data compositions of 90: 10, 80: 20, and 70: 30, the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) value is 0.817317 in testing using a data composition of 90: 10.</strong></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andika Wahyudi, Wahyudi Setiawan, Yudha Dwi Putra Negara