Image Processing, Street view house number, CNNAbstract
Fire is an unexpected natural occurrence, fire is caused by human negligence and natural factors, for example, lack of caution in using tools that cause fire, lack of knowledge about the dangers of fire, and lack of discipline. One of the causes of the fire is a gas cylinder leak. A fire disaster is a disaster that often occurs in Indonesia. In general, fires are known when the fire has started to appear and grow and the smoke has started to come out, therefore fires can appear at any time no time In trying to extinguish a fire in the event of fire, a fire alarm system was made using Arduino Uno, MQ-2 gas sensor, fire sensor, buzzer, mini water pump. The working method of this fire alarm system is that the MQ-2 gas sensor detects gas, the buzzer sounds, if the fire sensor detects fire and the MQ-2 gas sensor detects gas, the buzzer sounds and the mini water pump releases water simultaneously.
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