Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi <p><strong>Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Methodist Indonesia dan dikelola oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat UMI sebagai wadah untuk mempublikasikan hasil laporan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang akademisi, lembaga kemasyarakatan dan korporasi untuk berbagai multi sisiplin ilmu.</p> Universitas Methodist Indonesia en-US Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI 2809-0616 PENYULUHAN PENCEGAHAN TERHADAP PERMASALAHAN NYERI LUTUT PADA PETANI DI POSYANDU LANSIA MELATI 3 DESA GENTAN https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2319 <p><em>Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which there is damage to the cartilage which causes pain and loss of movement ability. Risk factors for OA include age, gender, obesity, trauma or injury, muscle and ligament weakness in the knee. Because many members of the community did not know about the symptoms of OA, we therefore held outreach to the people in Gentan village. The method of carrying out the activities that the author does is the educational outreach method with lectures and simulation training, using PowerPoint media. Results<strong>:</strong> In providing education and simulation training, it was found that 95% understood material related to knee pain and osteoarthritis, and 59.1% of participants stated that the exercises carried out had an effect on the knee pain they experienced. The activities carried out are very effective in increasing the knowledge of at-risk workers, especially farmers, regarding knee pain they experience and exercises that can be done when they feel knee pain.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Arif Pristianto Ifrah Yaumil Furqony Yona Risha Prahesti Ajeng Adela Selandani Risma Salsabila Isnaini Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Arif Pristianto, Ifrah Yaumil Furqony, Yona Risha Prahesti, Ajeng Adela Selandani, Risma Salsabila Isnaini Putri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 113 116 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp113-116 PENINGKATAN KUALITAS HIDUP MASYARAKAT MELALUI EDUKASI DAN DETEKSI DINI HIPERTENSI https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2456 <p><em>Hypertension is a risk factor for terminal illnesses such as heart failure and stroke, where this disease can interfere with daily activities and make people feel anxious easily, resulting in a decrease in quality of life. Health education and early detection through blood pressure checks are promotive and preventive efforts in treating hypertension. The implementation of community service carried out in the To'bulung sub-district, Palopo City, was successfully carried out. Blood pressure checks can identify the risk of hypertension and providing education can provide information about the etiology, clinical manifestations, complications, treatment and prevention of hypertension. Providing education through lecture methods, discussions and providing leaflets is effective in increasing public knowledge about hypertension in the To'bulung sub-district. This method can stimulate public curiosity about hypertension, especially its treatment and prevention. Routine blood pressure checks and providing education can increase people's knowledge and change their behavior to lead a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining physical condition will provide a sense of comfort and thus have an impact on the quality of life of hypertension sufferers.</em></p> Rezkiyah Hoesny Munafrin Hoesny Nasrullah Nursam Copyright (c) 2023 Rezkiyah Hoesny, Munafrin Hoesny, Nasrullah Nursam https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 117 123 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp117-123 PEMBELAJARAN TILAWAH AL-QUR’AN PADA SANTRI TPQ TADZKIRATUL ‘ULUM DI DESA WANGKELANG https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2073 <p><em>This paper is the result of activities carried out by the author regarding the study of learning recitations of the Koran for TPQ Tadzkirotul 'Ulum students in Wangkelang Village, Moga District, Pemalang Regency. Writing is the result of the author's activities which are motivated by the importance of being a santri in mastering the learning of recitations of the Qur'an, therefore it can make it easier for students to understand the contents of the Qur'an and its meaning. This activity aims to socialize Al-Qur'an recitations which include steps for learning recitations of the Qur'an, methods, and objectives. The purpose of this activity is to foster a sense of love for the Koran by introducing students to how to read the Koran in a good, correct, and beautiful way.</em></p> Mufti Lathif Lailatul Chikmah Ma’rifatun Fauzah Via Rizquna Titah Iffahaini Patrista Sevira Putri Sholikhah Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha Copyright (c) 2023 Mufti Lathif, Lailatul Chikmah, Ma’rifatun Fauzah, Via Rizquna, Titah Iffahaini Patrista, Sevira Putri Sholikhah, Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 124 127 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp124-127 PENYULUHAN KONTROL HIPERTENSI DAN DIABETES SEJAK DINI KEPADA JEMAAT GEREJA HKBP GEDUNG JOHOR RESORT, KECAMATAN MEDAN JOHOR https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2362 <p><em>Community Service (PKM) in the form of health education conducted by lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine, Indonesian Methodist University provides outreach about the benefits of controlling hypertension and diabetes mellitus from an early age. PKM was held on August 5 2023 at the HKBP church, Medan Johor District, North Sumatra. Lectures, question and answer discussions and motivation are used as orientation methods. A question and answer discussion was held with the aim of gaining insight and understanding to avoid complications from hypertension and DM. The results of PKM's socialization and work are very effective considering that there are still many people who have not received information about the benefits of vaccination through the basic immunization program. This education makes people more aware of the importance of routine control of health services. The HKBP church community must be aware and know the importance of early control in avoiding complications.</em></p> Endy Juli Anto Eka Samuel P. Hutasoit Jekson M. Siahaan Surjadi Rimbun Frengky S. Manullang Widjaya Taufik Tiji Ronald Tunggul Hotmarojahan Tambunan Hadyanto Lim Sumihar Maurist Rantos Pasaribu Menang Bastanta Tarigan Juli Jamnasi Jadeny Sinatra Hendrika Adriana Silitonga Copyright (c) 2023 Endy Juli Anto, Eka Samuel P. Hutasoit, Jekson M. Siahaan, Surjadi Rimbun, Frengky S. Manullang, Widjaya Taufik Tiji, Ronald Tunggul Hotmarojahan Tambunan, Hadyanto Lim, Sumihar Maurist Rantos Pasaribu, Menang Bastanta Tarigan, Juli Jamnasi, Jadeny Sinatra, Hendrika Adriana Silitonga https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 128 132 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp128-132 PENYULUHAN PENCEGAHAN DIABETES MELITUS DI LEMBAGA PEMASYARAKATAN LABUHAN DELI https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2458 <p><em>Community Service (PKM) conducted by the Faculty of Medicine at the Indonesian Methodist University provides counseling on the benefits of basic immunization. </em><em>Community Service was held on July 28 2023 at the Labuhan Deli Correctional Institution, Medan Labuhan District, Medan City, North Sumatra. Lectures, discussions and motivation are used as orientation methods. A question and answer discussion was held with the aim of gaining insight and understanding from the employees and residents of the Labuhan Deli correctional institution. The result of this outreach is that employees and residents of the Labuhan Deli Penitentiary have knowledge about Diabetes Mellitus, its symptoms, risk factors, and the complications it causes so that employees and the community can carry out prevention as early as possible.</em></p> Novrina Situmorang Eka Samuel P. Hutasoit Ivonne Ruth V. O. Situmeang Inda M. H. Br. Sinaga Paul S. M. L. Tobing Alexander P. Marpaung Maestro B. U. Simanjuntak Romatiur Marantha B. Siregar Copyright (c) 2023 Novrina Situmorang, Eka Samuel P. Hutasoit, Ivonne Ruth V. O. Situmeang, Inda M. H. Br. Sinaga, Paul S. M. L. Tobing, Alexander P. Marpaung, Maestro B. U. Simanjuntak, Romatiur Marantha B. Siregar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 140 143 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp140-143 PENYULUHAN PENDIDIKAN LINGKUNGAN DI KALANGAN PELAJAR SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS HOSANNA MEDAN https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2389 <p><em>Collaboration to build an educational culture is very important, one of which is the culture of environmental education. Environmental education will encourage and provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge that will foster an attitude of care and commitment to protect the environment and use the environment wisely.</em> <em>Environmental education is one of the important factors in achieving success in environmental management, as well as a very important means in producing human resources that can implement the principles of sustainable development. Environmental education will foster skills, attitudes and behaviors, motivation and commitment to work together to be able to solve various environmental problems and prevent new problems from arising. Environmental education is directed at the importance of aspects of attitudes and behavioral behavior of students to understand the importance of the environment for life and how to love and protect the environment becomes a value embedded in their daily lives.</em></p> Aulia Putra Daulay Sahat Raja Marigo Girsang Muhtar Ardansah Munthe Copyright (c) 2023 Aulia Putra Daulay, Sahat Raja Marigo Girsang, Muhtar Ardansah Munthe https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 133 139 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp133-139 UPAYA PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR MENGENAI JAJANAN SEHAT DAN MAKANAN BERGIZI DI SDN 03 BUKIT TAMBUN TULANG https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2468 <p><em>Over the past few decades, new approaches to health promotion have been developed. The target of health promotion is all ages, including children. Elementary school-age children do not yet know what is good for their physical health, including choosing healthy snacks. Consuming unsafe food can cause health problems in groups of people, leading to increasing health disparities globally. Children buy snacks based on their preferences without paying attention to the food ingredients. Children still have relatively little knowledge about healthy snacks. The aim of this activity is to provide outreach to educate elementary school-age children about healthy snacks and the importance of balanced nutrition. Community service activities were carried out on July 28 2021 from 07.30 WIB to 10.30 WIB in the classrooms of SD Negeri 03 Bukit Tambun Tulang attended by students in grades 4 and 5 and accompanied by teachers. The activity consists of 3 stages, including the preparation stage, followed by the implementation stage, and closing with the evaluation stage. The activity was carried out by the Andalas Nagari IV Koto Hilie University KKN Team which is a collaboration from various departments. It is hoped that the results of this community service can shape students' attitudes and behavior towards improving health, especially in choosing healthy snacks and nutritious food at school and at home. During the implementation of this community service activity, students and teachers actively participated in this activity. Through the evaluation carried out at the end of the event, students and teachers gave positive responses, and it is hoped that similar activities can improve the understanding and skills of teachers and students at SDN 03 Bukit Tambun Tulang<strong>.</strong></em></p> Refa Rahmaddiansyah Nurmiati Nurmiati Sukarsi Rusti Fettriwanti Fettriwanti Gabriel Septian Hendra Copyright (c) 2023 Refa Rahmaddiansyah, Nurmiati Nurmiati, Sukarsi Rusti, Fettriwanti Fettriwanti, Gabriel Septian Hendra https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 144 149 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp144-149 PELATIHAN PENGINPUTAN DATA SECARA OTOMATIS DI MICROSOFT EXCEL MENGGUNAKAN DATA FORM DAN MACRO VBA (BASIC FOR APLICATION) DI SMA IT UNGGUL AL-MUNADI MEDAN https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2464 <p><em>Automatic data input using Microsoft Excel as a number processor or application for automatically processing data such as numerical values, mathematical formulas and making financial reports hone students' skills in knowledge of the use of computer technology, which is a basic need nowadays to operate a computer, a skill that students must master in the future world of work. because computer operating skills are really needed by companies, especially the Microsoft Excel application to process technology-based company data in determining decision makers in a company. This training will produce graduates who can operate computers and input data automatically. This activity provides skills and knowledge to students at SMA IT Unggul Al Munadi Medan using Microsoft Excel to process and input data automatically with Visual Basic forms and macros (VBA)</em></p> Elida Tuti Siregar Ommi Alfina Dahlia Puspita M. Safii Copyright (c) 2023 Elida Tuti Siregar, Ommi Alfina, Dahlia Puspita https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 150 154 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp150-154 PENYULUHAN PEMBERANTASAN SARANG NYAMUK KEPADA MASYARAKAT PASAR TIGA RINGROAD KECAMATAN MEDAN SUNGGAL https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2484 <p><em>The aim of community service activities is to implement community service in implementing the Tri Dharma of higher education as well as contributing ideas and transferring knowledge to mothers, fathers, children and youth. This service activity was carried out on March 17 2022, with the material Increasing Body Immunity. This topic is really needed in order to provide information and knowledge regarding the eradication of mosquito nests which prevents the transmission of disease from mosquitoes. This topic was deliberately chosen considering that Indonesia is a tropical country so the role of medical personnel is very important in providing education to the public to behave in a clean life at home and around the home environment, where this activity aims to reduce the risk of transmission and contracting diseases that cause mosquito bites which can cause death. </em></p> Jerry Fitrio Julianto Tobing Sanggam B. Hutagalung Harry Butar-Butar Reinhard J. D. Hutahaean Surjadi Rimbun Evirosa Simanjuntak Dinda Kautsar Chintya D. P. Sibarani Samuel D. J. Siahaan Copyright (c) 2023 Jerry Fitrio Julianto Tobing, Sanggam B. Hutagalung, Harry Butar-Butar, Reinhard J. D. Hutahaean, Surjadi Rimbun, Evirosa Simanjuntak, Dinda Kautsar, Chintya D. P. Sibarani, Samuel D. J. Siahaan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 155 158 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp155-158 PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN PLATFORM MICROSOFT SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DARING https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2486 <p><em>The unconducive pandemic situation has greatly affected various aspects of human life, including education.&nbsp; Learning that used to be done face-to-face must change to online learning. Online learning is distance learning based on internet network technology such as video conference, video call or text chat. The ability to use devices that can support the online learning process is needed by students in order to have a better learning experience. An application that can facilitate students in collaborating, communicating, and sharing learning documents is Microsoft Teams. Based on the results of the perception test conducted, it was found that the participants were familiar with several software that support online learning process. But for Microsoft platform itself, they are not familiar with and understand its use. To overcome the students' problems, a service activity was carried out to provide training on the use of Microsoft Teams application. Training activities were carried out twice and the evaluation process was carried out by giving assignments and working on pre-test and post-test questions. Various features from Microsoft are used by the students for online learning, including conversation features, meeting, cloud storage (onedrive), collaboration on the same worksheet in Microsoft Office, and so on. From the results of working on pre-test and post-test questions, it shows that there is an increase in students' skills in using the Microsoft Teams application.</em></p> Hernawati Gohzali Ali Akbar Lubis Copyright (c) 2023 Hernawati Gohzali, Ali Akbar Lubis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 159 165 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp159-165 PENYULUHAN TUBERKULOSIS PARU KEPADA MASYARAKAT LINGKUNGAN HAMPARAN PERAK KECAMATAN DELI SERDANG https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2485 <p><em>The aim of community service activities is to implement community service in implementing the Tri Dharma of higher education as well as contributing ideas and transferring knowledge to mothers, fathers, children and youth. This service activity was carried out on March 24 2022, with the material Lung Tuberculosis. This topic is really needed in order to provide information and knowledge about Pulmonary Tuberculosis, starting from how to prevent and treat Pulmonary TB patients. This topic was deliberately chosen considering that currently TB is still the biggest health problem in the world, apart from that, our country, Indonesia, has the second highest rate of TB. Therefore, the role of medical personnel is very important in providing education to the public to behave in a clean manner at home and around the home environment, where this activity aims to reduce the risk of transmission and infection of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.</em></p> Ivonne Ruth Vitamaya Oishi Situmeang Maestro B. U. Simanjuntak Paul S. M. L. Tobing Suryati Sinurat Alowadodo Harefa Okkasa Obadiah Simanullang Copyright (c) 2023 Ivonne Ruth Vitamaya Oishi Situmeang, Maestro B. U. Simanjuntak, Paul S. M. L. Tobing, Suryati Sinurat, Alowadodo Harefa, Okkasa Obadiah Simanullang https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 166 169 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp166-169 PELATIHAN PERENCANAAN BERBASIS DATA PADA PENGAWAS SEKOLAH, KEPALA SEKOLAH DAN GURU MENGGUNAKAN METODE INDENTIFIKASI, REFLEKSI DAN BENAHI (IRB) SECARA DARING https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2505 <p><em>Data-based planning training is carried out online based on various sources which can be used to carry out or prepare an agenda for future activities and budgets. The data-based planning training activity was carried out online for two days. This implementation started with the experience of the school principal sharing his experience with the education unit in planning and compiling activities and making budgets at the school, then the facilitator provided reinforcement for data mining from the independent teaching platform (PMM ), Education Report Card Platform as well as through data sourced from the North Sumatra Education Quality Assurance Center (LPMP). Then the facilitator reflects on the training on the material that has been explained. On the second day of implementation, each educational unit grouped to discuss and fill in the evaluation sheet, then carried out identification, reflection and improvement in planning activity plans and preparing budgets for the unit, then apart from that, the educational units held discussions to make follow-up plans starting from the date, unit involved and the media used. Next, reflect on your experience at school, then work on an evaluation worksheet that is synchronized with the Identification worksheet, then a reflection worksheet and a fix worksheet, then the education unit finishes working on an activity plan that comes from several data and can prepare a budget that is planned for the long term.</em></p> Achmad Fauzi Rizka Putri Rahayu Husnul Khair Yani Maulita Copyright (c) 2023 Achmad Fauzi, Rizka Putri Rahayu, Husnul Khair, Yani Maulita https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 170 174 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp170-174 TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN LANSIA TERHADAP OSTEOARTHRITIS KNEE DI POSYANDU ANGGREK TUNJUNG SEKAR https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2489 <p><em>Osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative joint disease characterized by pathological symptoms in the entire joint structure, cartilage damage, development of osteophytes and sclerosis at the edges of the bones, stretching of the joint capsule, inflammation and weakness. the muscles around the joint. Risk factors for knee osteoarthritis are genetics, age, gender, obesity and metabolic disorders. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of elderly people regarding knee osteoarthritis. This type of research uses outreach and poster methods as output results. Before being given counseling, 0% of the 10 respondents did not know information related to knee osteoarthritis, but after being given the counseling, 100% of the 10 respondents were able to answer all questions in the questionnaire correctly. There is a difference in respondents' knowledge before and after being given education about knee osteoarthritis.</em></p> Muhammad Andhika Noval Fajrin Nikmatur Rosidah Eleonora Elsa Sucahyo Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Andhika Noval Fajrin, Nikmatur Rosidah, Eleonora Elsa Sucahyo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 175 180 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp175-180 PENGENALAN DAN PELATIHAN SOFTWARE PENGOLAHAN DATA SPSS DAN SMARTPLS DI UNIVERSITAS MIKROSKIL https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2508 <p><em>One of the popular tools for data processing is the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS. Understanding data processing has a very important role in preparing the final assignment. Data processing is a critical step in scientific research methodology. Students who compose their final assignment need to know and understand the techniques, stages and interpretation of results correctly so that their research has a strong basis. So the aim of Community Service Activities is to provide knowledge and understanding to final semester students who have started preparing their final assignments at Mikroskil University. Provide practical understanding and skills to students in using SPSS and SmartPLS as data processing tools. This training was carried out directly using SPSS and SMArtPLS software. Based on the results of the answers to the pre-test and post-test questions of the training participants, it can be seen that there is an increase in understanding in the introduction and use of SPSS and SmartPLS software before and after, for details, see Figure 7 for a comparison of the pre-test and post-test results. So it can be concluded that the introduction and training of SPSS and SmartPLS data processing software at Mikroskil University was successful.</em></p> Naca Perangin-Angin Tya Wildana Hapsari Lubis Copyright (c) 2023 Naca Perangin-Angin, Tya Wildana Hapsari Lubis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 181 185 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp181-185 PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN SISTEM INFORMASI DESA KEPADA APARATUR DESA LUMBAN PEA TIMUR https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2537 <p><em>Lumban Pea Timur is one of the villages in Balige District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. Village development is currently inseparable from the support of information technology, almost every village requires information technology to improve services to the community. The process of conveying information by the village to the resident, namely from the sub-district head to the village head reaches the resident. Processes like this often lead to inaccurate information. All existing regional potentials must be disseminated to show their superiority. Each district has an area called a sub-district and village. The rapid development of the world of communication technology has had a tremendous impact on the pattern of people’s lives. Information systems have made people’s lives dynamic and fast. With the facilities provided, encourages people to take advantage of information and communication technology to assist in their daily activities. The village government of Lumban Pea does not yet have a website address. This has resulted in information owned by the village that cannot be accessed by the wider community, causing this village to be very left behind. In this increasingly advanced technological era, a website-based information system can be implemented in East Lumban Pea village to overcome the above constraints. With the existence of a village information system, the community can directly access the various kinds of information presented. Likewise, village leaders can directly provide or update information related to the village they are fostering. All forms of information regarding population management can be accessed on the village information system page.</em></p> Marlyna Infryanty Hutapea Eviyanti Novita Purba Resianta Perangin-angin Jamaluddin Jamaluddin Rena Nainggolan Roni J. Simamora Rijois I. E. Saragih Eva J. G. Harianja Gortap Lumbantoruan Rimbun Siringoringo Rasmulia Sembiring Stevani L. Z. Simanjuntak Thomson Januari Napitupulu Copyright (c) 2023 Marlyna Infryanty Hutapea, Eviyanti Novita Purba, Resianta Perangin-angin, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Rena Nainggolan, Roni J. Simamora, Rijois I. E. Saragih, Eva J. G. Harianja, Gortap Lumbantoruan, Rimbun Siringoringo, Stevani L. Z. Simanjuntak, Thomson Januari Napitupulu https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 186 190 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp186-190 PELATIHAN PEMASARAN BERBASIS E-COMMERCE PADA PRODUK KAIN ECOPRINT HASIL IMPLEMENTASI P5 DI PERGURUAN SMA WR SUPRATMAN 1 MEDAN https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2506 <p><em>To implement PP RI No. 37 of 2009, Lecturers are professional educators and scientists with the main task of transforming, developing and disseminating science, technology and art through education, research and community service. The aim of Community Service (PkM) is to introduce students to how to make ecoprint fabric, and provide knowledge and skills on how to use E-Commerce for electronic commerce. The benefit of this PKM is the implementation of the independent curriculum, namely the Project for Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile (P5) for students. Implementation of PkM activities located on the futsal field at SMA WR Supratman 1 Medan, which was attended by all 10th grade students, totaling around 87 people. As a result of this Community Service, students are trained to be able to work together and take responsibility for solving problems around them, and the students' concern is visible in learning more about the benefits of E-Commerce as a digital-based product marketing medium.</em></p> Pesta Gultom Fenny Fenny Widalicin Januarty Nicholas Leonardi Richardo Aprianto Sianturi Copyright (c) 2023 Pesta Gultom, Fenny Fenny, Widalicin Januarty, Nicholas Leonardi, Richardo Aprianto Sianturi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 191 194 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp191-194 PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI SPSS UNTUK MENUNJANG TUGAS AKHIR MAHASISWA https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2514 <p><em>The training activity on the usage of the Statistical Analysis SPSS Application (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was conducted to enhance students' skills in analyzing data to support the completion of their final assignments. This article elucidates the methods and benefits of this training, tailored to suit the students' material needs, aiding them in finalizing their assignments. These sessions were conducted through a series of workshops accommodating students from diverse scientific backgrounds. The outcomes of these activities provided insights into the competency and proficiency regarding SPSS application use in enhancing students' statistical analysis skills. The implications of these activities could serve as a guide for higher education institutions in designing training programs that support the development of student’s academic skills in data analysis, thereby bolstering their final assignment requirements. The results of these activities demonstrate a significant improvement in students' understanding of statistical concepts, SPSS utilization, and the necessary data analysis skills required for final assignment research.</em></p> Arif Setia Sandi A Deny Nugroho Triwibowo Raden Bagus Bambang Sumantri Rito Cipta Sigitta Haryono Copyright (c) 2023 Arif Setia Sandi A, Deny Nugroho Triwibowo, Raden Bagus Bambang Sumantri, Rito Cipta Sigitta Haryono https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 195 199 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp195-199 PENYULUHAN DEMAM BERDARAH DANGUE (DBD) KEPADA REMAJA GMI MANNA MARTURIA TANJUNG SARI https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2519 <p><em>Community Service is a form of student activity which is a way of student interaction with the community and the surrounding environment. The topic taken was Dangue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), this topic was deliberately chosen considering that currently it is the rainy season where rainfall is very high. Education about Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is important to increase public awareness about the prevention and management of this disease. The aim of FK-UMI Community Service is to provide counseling and provide education to the public regarding dengue fever. The method used is to convey public education information using projectors and interactive media. Conclusions obtained. With this health education, teenagers will understand how to improve their quality of life and maintain a clean environment to avoid dengue fever</em></p> Irene R. Tua Damanik Harry C. Simanjuntak Budi J. Panjaitan Agustina Veronika Edwin A. Pakpahan Ferry G. Sihombing Kathleen I. Yosephine Elvindo W. A. Sitepu Fevi Yolanda Siagian Nova A. Br Nainggolan Hotlin C. Nainggolan Sella A. Br Aruan Billy C. Tarigan Sofi A. Zandroto Letisya Feronika Joris Copyright (c) 2023 Irene R. Tua Damanik, Harry C. Simanjuntak, Budi J. Panjaitan, Agustina Veronika, Edwin A. Pakpahan, Ferry G. Sihombing, Kathleen I. Yosephine, Elvindo W. A. Sitepu, Fevi Yolanda Siagian, Nova A. Br Nainggolan, Hotlin C. Nainggolan, Sella A. Br Aruan, Billy C. Tarigan, Sofi A. Zandroto, Letisya Feronika Joris https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 200 203 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp200-203 PELATIHAN PENYUSUNAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN PADA BISNIS PERCETAKAN https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2511 <p><em>The printing business is growing along with the online printing business. The trend of online printing is increasing. The presence of online printing makes it easier for customers to print the documents they need without having to queue and wait. Nibun Printing is a printing services business that has been established since 2009 with the permanent customer of Nibun Printing being PDAM Tirtanadi Delitua Branch in terms of making fines and Tirtanadi logos at various events. The Partner's problem is that they don't understand the meaning of income and expenses, the Partner doesn't have a Financial Report. Nibun Printing does not prepare financial reports so it does not know the amount of income and costs for each period. Implementation of service activities is carried out by visiting partners to identify needs and provide training and assistance in preparing financial reports. Training activities are carried out by giving lectures and discussions first to explain the importance of financial reports in the printing business. Then it is continued with assistance and training in preparing financial reports. Through this activity Partners can understand the meaning of income and expenses in preparing Financial Reports. By providing training and assistance to Nibun Printing to be able to prepare financial reports in accordance with accounting standards, it can help partners to facilitate the preparation of financial reports in accordance with accounting standards. The prepared financial reports can be used to assist in obtaining external sources of funds so that this printing press continues to develop and able to expand his business.</em></p> Suriani Br. Ginting Sonya Enda Natasha S. Pandia Evi Juita Wailan’An Copyright (c) 2023 Suriani Br. Ginting, Sonya Enda Natasha S. Pandia, Evi Juita Wailan’An https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 204 207 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp204-207 PENYULUHAN PENCEGAHAN STUNTING PADA ANAK DI SD NEGERI 060919 https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2522 <p><em>Stunting is a situation where a child's height is stunted compared to the height of children his age. In Indonesia, stunting is a problem in the health sector that is still high. This condition occurs because children are malnourished for a long time with signs of failure in the child's growth and development (growth faltering) which starts from pregnancy until the child is 2 years old. This is the formulation of our problem in holding outreach activities on the topic of Stunting at SD Negeri 060919, Kec. Medan Sunggal, Medan city. This article was created with the aim of providing education and information regarding stunting prevention. Thus, this activity is very useful in providing information about how to prevent and reduce the incidence of stunting. It is hoped that this activity will be carried out at SD Negeri 060919, Kec. Medan Sunggal, Medan City to pay more attention to the nutritional intake of mothers and children, so that the incidence of stunting in Indonesia is reduced.</em></p> Juliyanti Tarigan Lesmana Syahrir Wijaya Taufik Tiji Batara Simangunsong Sumihar M.R. Pasaribu Melfan J. Gea Ester G. Harianja Gelberd V.M. Tampubolon Penina T. Simalango Lucky A.B. Ginting Charina T.Y. Sibuea Megaria Evhiphanias Pangaribuan Yolanda K.H.R. Simanullang Mischkel A. Ginting Panahian M. Meha Copyright (c) 2023 Juliyanti Tarigan, Lesmana Syahrir, Wijaya Taufik Tiji, Batara Simangunsong, Sumihar M.R. Pasaribu, Melfan J. Gea, Ester G. Harianja, Gelberd V.M. Tampubolon, Penina T. Simalango, Lucky A.B. Ginting, Charina T.Y. Sibuea, Megaria Evhiphanias Pangaribuan, Yolanda K.H.R. Simanullang, Mischkel A. Ginting, Panahian M. Meha https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 208 211 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp208-211 PENYULUHAN CUCI TANGAN TERHADAP PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT DI SDS GALILEA HOSANA PADANG BULAN SELAYANG KECAMATAN MEDAN SELAYANG https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2527 <p><em>PHBS stands for Clean and Healthy Living Behavior, aiming in the health sector to cultivate clean and healthy living behavior in the form of individuals, groups or the wider community. PHBS must be cultivated especially to children, for example through educational institutions. The purpose of counseling is carried out to prevent the disease is that children are taught to wash their hands. The counseling was conducted at Galilee Hosana School, Jl. Bunga Terompet No.30, Padang Bulan Selayang II, Kec. Medan Selayang, Medan City on December 6, 2023. As a result, 4th grade students of SDS Galelia Hosana can understand and practice hand washing properly and correctly. So it can be concluded that PHBS counseling on hand washing practices in grade 4 students is useful and important for health.</em></p> Julenda Sebayang Lylys Surjani Ronald T. H. Tambunan Nasib M. Situmorang Salomo G. U. Simanjuntak Arum Geger Gumelar Elvani L. S. Hulu Grace A. Berutu Fransiska A. Butarbutar Atta C. N. Saruksuk Donitha R. Simanjuntak Agung K. Zebua Pebrina Sianipar Horas Rejeki Manik Wiliam Wiliam Copyright (c) 2023 Julenda Sebayang, Lylys Surjani, Ronald T. H. Tambunan, Nasib M. Situmorang, Salomo G. U. Simanjuntak, Arum Geger Gumelar, Elvani L. S. Hulu, Grace A. Berutu, Fransiska A. Butarbutar, Atta C. N. Saruksuk, Donitha R. Simanjuntak, Agung K. Zebua, Pebrina Sianipar, Horas Rejeki Manik, Wiliam Wiliam https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 212 216 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp212-216 PARENTING DAN SEMINAR PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER SEBAGAI UPAYA PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER SISWA SMP & SMA SEKOLAH ANGKASA LANUD SOEWONDO MEDAN https://ejurnal.methodist.ac.id/index.php/methabdi/article/view/2535 <p><em>The acts of crime and delinquency among children and teenagers continue to increase, such as robbering, mugging, stealing, rape, brawls, bullying and even murder, as well as other acts of violence, as well as their mental health conditions becoming increasingly worrying, which is marked by an increase in suicide attempts and suicides. Therefore, there needs to be cooperation from both of the government and society, by looking at the psychological side of the individual perpetrator, the parenting style of the family, community and society at large so that similar acts do not continue to increase. Observing this phenomenon as a form of concern and seriousness in preventing similar actions, Yasarini (Ardhya Garini Foundation), known as Sekolah Angkasa Lanud Soewondo, collaborated with the Developer Company PT. Taman Malibu Indah and Writers, located in the Mustang Hall Jalan Komodor Muda Adi Sucipto Medan, held activities in the form of Parenting for parents of students and Lectures for Middle and High School students at&nbsp; Sekolah Angkasa Lanud Soewondo, by providing an understanding of character values related to God, by yourself, with each other and the environment. The aim of the activity are the parents and students to know the importance of having good and strong character which can lead students had to become human resources advantage in welcoming Indonesia Gold in 2045.</em></p> Elvie Maria Brilliant Handyman Manalu Hartono Hartono Kristanty M. N. Nadapdap Andriasan Sudarso Dompak Pasaribu Copyright (c) 2023 Elvie Maria, Brilliant Handyman Manalu, Hartono Hartono, Kristanty M. N. Nadapdap, Andriasan Sudarso https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 217 225 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No2.pp217-225