Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Menuju Desa Siaga Melalui Usaha Promotif dan Preventif


  • Adi Mulya Kusuma Universitas Gresik
  • Yok Ibrahim Universitas Gresik
  • Fadel Maulana Bhakti Universitas Gresik
  • Gilang Alfisyar Ramadhany Universitas Gresik
  • Putri Ohkta Fiyani Universitas Gresik
  • Ainur Rahmawati Universitas Gresik
  • Nuryana Nuryana Universitas Gresik
  • Muslimatul Fadhilah Universitas Gresik
  • Dicky Ardiansyah Universitas Gresik
  • Novie Daniah Ridwan Achmad Universitas Gresik
  • Akhmad Andi Saputra Universitas Gresik



Community Empowerment, Resilient Villages, Promotive Efforts, Preventive Efforts, Public Health


Community empowerment is an effective strategy to address socio-economic and health issues. In Indonesia, this concept is implemented through the development of resilient and self-sufficient villages. The Community Service Program (KKN) plays a vital role in supporting this empowerment through promotive and preventive efforts. This article discusses the KKN activities in Kambingan Village, Cerme District, Gresik Regency, which include health education, cleanliness campaigns, nutrition education, Basic Life Support (BLS) training, and other preventive activities. The results achieved include increased community awareness and knowledge about the importance of health, improved first aid skills, and economic empowerment through MSME training.





Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI