Penyuluhan Infeksi Menular Seksual pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Methodist Indonesia
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Sexual Contact, AdultsAbstract
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections that are transmitted through sexual contact as well as outside of sexual contact. Transmitted through sexual contact can be vaginal, anal or oral; and sexual contact can come through contaminated objects, such as needles. Because Indonesia is the fifth country with the risk of sexually transmitted infections. So, this community service is carried out to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections as well as prevent casual sex and increase students' insight. Most of these incidents are experienced by teenagers to young adults, namely around the age of 15-24 years. Students carrying out community service at the Indonesian Methodist Faculty of Agriculture were very enthusiastic when listening and had high curiosity about the information provided regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Oktavian Siagian, Yan Pieter Sihombing, Thomas Silangit, Jadeny Sinatra, Adrian Khu, Eigia Safira, Damayanti Saragih, Yopi Reza, Christina Leony Sinaga, Rema Ibrena Enjelia Banu, Dani Marila, Alfri Yoganta, Vini Vici Br. Ginting, Barukh Saro Talemta Zebua, Putri Sarah

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