Penyuluhan Otitis Media Akut kepada Anak Panti Asuhan Advent Peduli
Education, Acute Otitis Media, Community ServiceAbstract
In accordance with the application of the Tri Darma of Higher Education in the doctor's professional study program, one of which is community service. The purpose of community service activities is to provide explanations and education that can influence community behavior. This community service was carried out at an advent orphanage caring for children and adolescents with 25 participants. This community service activity was carried out on December 6, 2023, with the material of acute otitis media. This topic is very much needed in order to provide information and knowledge about acute Otitis media. Behavior to maintain ear hygiene and health to prevent this disease. Lack of knowledge many are subjected to unfavorable issues. Through this health counseling, it is expected that children and adolescents at Advent Peduli Orphanage, Gg. Kasih no 8, Sudirejo II, Kec. Medan Kota are always motivated to stay alert when playing with friends and keep their ears healthy.
Copyright (c) 2024 Budi Darmanta Sembiring, Endy Juli Anto, Tengku Muhammad Fauzi, Jekson Martiar Siahaan, Menang Bastanta Tarigan, Kesia Sijabat, Kerin Repaskatri Sihaloho, Widya Dayanti Feronika Manik, Jeremia Simanjuntak, Mega Wijaya, Lovian Nauli Sihaloho, Mikael Sembiring, Bintang Andika Panjaitan, Michael Sabatino Sitompul, Estela Salomina Momot

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